With prices down, my email is flooded by people asking how long a bear market will last.

I get it…

The economy is super uncertain right now. And with the recent UST fiasco, everyday investors are feeling insecure about crypto, too.

Especially as some of the top exchanges like Coinbase have announced hiring freezes.

But here's the thing... 

For a crypto winter to happen, three conditions must be met:

1) Everyday investors must leave the space

2) Venture capital and top talent must leave the space

3) Wall Street and major investment firms must leave the space

Currently, a big chunk of retail investors have stopped investing heavily into crypto. So, we do meet one requirement.

But when it comes to the other two, the reality is actually the exact opposite.

We are seeing far more venture capital entering the space than ever before. The recent mega-deal between Goldman Sachs and Barclays is just one example of dozens on that scope.

And when you talk about talent...

Crypto and Web 3.0 is by far the hottest job sector for brand-new talent on the planet!

Finally, let's look at condition #3... 

Wall Street, hedge funds, and the biggest whales are buying up crypto at a record pace. In fact, the last time we saw this level of whale interest was during the 2021 bull run, when prices were skyrocketing! 

The only group of people not as excited about crypto right now are the retail "mom and pop" investors. 

Sadly, I believe many of these retail investors will miss the massive opportunity in the market right now. The same opportunity that has venture capital and Wall Street investing like mad.

And in a tale as old as time, as the market recovers, the rich will get richer... while most retail investors will wait until it's too late, buy too high and only sell when the market falls again. 

That doesn't have to be you.

This Thursday at 2:00pm Eastern / 11:00am Pacific, I'm going to break down exactly where Wall Street and the "smart money" are investing in crypto right now.

I'll show you how to spy on them and copy their trades...

No matter how much capital you have available or your level of experience.

All you need to watch on Thursday is a complimentary ticket...

You can get yours in just a few seconds, but you must get it now to watch on Thursday: 

Get your complimentary ticket to "What Smart Money is Loading Up on Right Now" while you can (ticket link expires soon).

A lot of retail investors are fearful right now...

But "smart money" plays by the Buffett quote...

"Be greedy when others are fearful".

Join me on Thursday and I'll show you how to do it right.

Bryce Paul
Crypto 101


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