Tuesday, May 17, 2022

♟ Trash or Stash Peloton?

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"This week, on trial for the murder of Mr. Big, is floundering fitness stock Peloton!"

Bryan Bottarelli, Head Trade Tactician, Monument Traders Alliance

Welcome back to "Trash or Stash"!

We take a popular stock... strip away the hype... and judge whether it's worthy to be stashed in your portfolio for massive future gains... or tossed into a garbage pile!

So far in this series, we've trashed Robinhood (Nasdaq: HOOD) and Digital World Acquisition (Nasdaq: DWAC). This week, I've got Peloton (Nasdaq: PTON) in my crosshairs.

Can this floundering fitness stock dodge the dumpster?

Let's find out!

Video - Trash or Stash Peloton


Want more analysis and more official recommendations on which stocks to avoid and which to jump on? Then join us in Trade of the Day Plus. We'll have a new pick for you every Wednesday in a fun and informative video update. And the timing couldn't be better. My partner, Karim, is currently recommending a stock trading for under $2 that is so undervalued, it'd still be a bargain at $20!

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"Just closed the DWAC $42.00 puts for $5.00 = VERY NICE and nailing SDS... Join THE WAR ROOM 'if you want to MAKE MONEY' and survive all markets."
- Woodman

"EA... In yesterday at 2.52, out this morning at $5.55 May 20 call116 $303.00 profit in overnight trade 3 minutes. THANK YOU, Bryan."
- Antonio P1





What Business Never Slows During a Recession?


The Perfect Bear Market Trade

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Is the Sell-Off Over?

Stick With This Power Play

Buying in the Face of Fear

Forget About the Shortages of Cars, Computer Chips and Building Materials
[They're NOTHING Compared to This]

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