Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Special 7.20 Medicaid Updates


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The Impact of the Pandemic on the Direct Support Professional's (DSP) Workforce

August 11, 2021 from 1:30-3:00 PM ET

This training will explore the Direct Support Professional's (DSP) experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic.  Through information gathered through the National Core Indicators (NCI) Staff Stability Survey, the presentation will highlight current research on the DSP workforce gathered before and during the pandemic.  Information will be presented regarding the DSP workforce nationally and its growth and importance to those needing long-term services and supports.  Results from two national surveys conducted with DSPs during the pandemic will be shared reflecting the impacts the pandemic has had on individual DSPs.  Finally, the training will share the personal stories of six DSPs as they navigated the pandemic.

 Following the presentation, webinar participants will have the opportunity to take part in a question and answer session receiving feedback from CMS and the presenters.


Register here: https://neweditions.adobeconnect.com/ebcp3smwbp3e/event/event_info.html


Supporting Youth with Disabilities Transitioning Out of Foster Care

August 18-19, 2021

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) invites you to attend Supporting Youth with Disabilities Transitioning Out of Foster Care – a two-day virtual summit to share promising practices and collaborate on solutions for addressing challenges faced by state Medicaid agencies and their partners in supporting youth with disabilities transitioning out of foster care.

Every year, over 20,000 youth transition out of the state foster care system into independent adulthood due to reaching the age of majority.  Youth transitioning out of foster care may experience gaps in health care, housing instability, increased mental health issues and substance use, and limited employment opportunities.  State Medicaid agencies play an integral role in supporting youth with disabilities transitioning out of foster care because Medicaid is a primary source of health coverage for youth in, and transitioning from, foster care.  At the same time, there are broad health and social care challenges when assisting youth to transition out of the foster care system and navigate the wide range of cross-system programs and regulations.  Successful transition out of foster care works best when systems act together to support youth long before they transition out.

This summit is open to the public and will focus on strategies for state Medicaid agencies and their partner agencies and will cover the following topics:

  1. Continuity of Care
  2. Continuity of Medicaid Coverage
  3. Socio-Cultural Supports
  4. Employment

Through this series of interactive sessions, participants will:

Goal 1: Convene with state agencies, federal agency representatives, national associations, county agencies, individuals with disabilities who were previously in foster care, and other stakeholders to collaborate, generate new ideas, and discuss best practices related to challenges faced by state Medicaid programs and their partners.

Goal 2: Identify and discuss the current needs and interests in the field.

Goal 3: Participate and engage through interactive exercises, discussion of current trends, challenges, research questions, improvement strategies, and sharing of resources.

Guest speakers from various state Medicaid agencies, partner agencies, organizations that work with this target population, and former foster youth will share their insights and experiences during the summit.

Dates and Times:

  • Session 1: Wednesday, August 18th, 11:30 AM-1:30 PM ET

Session 1 will focus on the importance of continuity of services in supporting youth with disabilities transitioning out of foster care. Spotlights:

  • Indiana Family and Social Services Administration
  • Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System
  • Got Transition
  • Session 2: Wednesday, August 18th, 2:30- 4:30 PM ET

Session 2 will focus on the importance of continuity of Medicaid coverage in supporting youth with disabilities transitioning out of foster care. Spotlights: 

  • CMS Medicaid and CHIP Coverage Learning Collaborative
  • New York Department of Health
  • Colorado Department of Health Care Policy & Financing
  • Session 3: Thursday, August 19th, 11:30 AM-1:00 PM ET

Session 3 will focus on the importance of socio-cultural supports in supporting youth with disabilities transitioning out of foster care.  Spotlight:

  • North Carolina Division of Health Benefits and Cumberland County Department of Social Services
  • Session 4: Thursday, August 19th, 2:30-4:30 PM ET

Session 4 will focus on the importance of employment supports in supporting youth with disabilities transitioning out of foster care. Spotlights:

  • Tennessee Division of TennCare
  • Project SEARCH

Please note: if you would like to attend all of the sessions, you will need to register for each session individually using the links above.

Please contact HCBS-learning@lewin.com with any questions.


Upcoming National Webinar Highlighting the Lessons Learned from the CMS State Medicaid Learning Collaborative on Advancing Housing-Related Supports under Medicaid for Individuals with Substance Use Disorders

August 19, 2021 from 3:00-4:30 p.m. ET

CMS is pleased to announce a national webinar on Lessons Learned from the Advancing Housing-Related Supports for Individuals with Substance Use Disorders State Medicaid Learning Collaborative. This opportunity is pursuant to  section 1018 of the Substance Use-Disorder Prevention that Promotes Opioid Recovery and Treatment for Patients and Communities Act (also known as the SUPPORT for Patients and Communities Act) which authorized the Secretary of Health and Human Services to "provide technical assistance and support to States regarding the development and expansion of innovative state strategies to provide Housing-Related Supports and Services and care coordination services under Medicaid to individuals with substance use disorders."

This nationally focused webinar will focus on key activities and lessons learned from states that are working to develop and expand innovative strategies to provide housing-related supports for Medicaid beneficiaries with substance use disorders.

This webinar is scheduled on August 19, 2021 from 3:00 to 4:30 EDT. Please register for the webinar at: https://mathematica.webex.com/mathematica/onstage/g.php?MTID=e53f9d1019997633a1926ad45ea500467

If you have any questions, please contact: MedicaidHousingTA@mathematica-mpr.com.



This e-mail was sent to edwardlorilla1986.paxforex@blogger.com using GovDelivery Communications Cloud on behalf of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (410-786-5473) · 7500 Security Boulevard · Baltimore MD 21244

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