Monday, February 15, 2021

5 starting points for agile transformation

from IDG Insider Brands

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February 15, 2021

5 starting points for agile transformation

Legacy systems and complexity can make agility difficult, but not impossible. Here are five steps any company can take to achieve agility. Read more ▶

Image: 7 enterprise cloud strategy trends for 2021

7 enterprise cloud strategy trends for 2021

Maximizing the value of hybrid cloud, while managing sprawl and cloud costs, is top of mind for CIOs seeking to boost business outcomes this year.

How do you research new tech products?

Has how you research tech solutions changed in the face of the pandemic? Share your insight into the information tech decision-makers rely on today, your expectations for an IT vendor, and overall content preferences in IDG's 2021 Customer Engagement research.

After a year of Working from Home where are we going from here?

In February 2020, we were just realizing we'd need to work from home for a while. We had no idea just how drastic the change would be. Now, a year in, thanks to the Coronavirus vaccines, we're beginning to think about returning to the office. Or, are we?

Image: Online privacy: Best browsers, settings, and tips

Online privacy: Best browsers, settings, and tips

Everything you do online is tracked when you use your browser. But you can fight back.

5 ways attackers counter incident response, and how to stop them

IR has become a chess match with attackers who can cleverly spoil responders' efforts and keep a foothold in systems. Here's how they do it and how to kick them out for good.

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