Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Your Daily Tarot Wed Nov 18

Let's face it – today is not the best day for matters of the heart. The combination of the Tower and of Death indicate that something needs to give way, before reconstruction can start. Quite likely, there is something in your past that's bothering you, friend… It is high time that you realize you need to put this story behind you, because only then will you be able to really start something fresh. So free yourself from what's been holding you back! At work, the difficult influence of the Tower brings problems with personal interactions, missed appointments, and misunderstandings… You really need all the perseverance and the determination that Strength can provide in order to not just throw in the towel. That kind of unstable environment demands a lot of commitment, organizational sense and determination from you.
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Daily Horoscope
Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Let's face it – today is not the best day for matters of the heart. The combination of the Tower and of Death indicate that something needs to give way, before reconstruction can start. Quite likely, there is something in your past that's bothering you, friend… It is high time that you realize you need to put this story behind you, because only then will you be able to really start something fresh. So free yourself from what's been holding you back! At work, the difficult influence of the Tower brings problems with personal interactions, missed appointments, and misunderstandings… You really need all the perseverance and the determination that Strength can provide in order to not just throw in the towel. That kind of unstable environment demands a lot of commitment, organizational sense and determination from you. Read More

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11/11 was Twin Flame Day. Still wondering about your twin flame? Speak to a psychic advisor now for clarity and guidance around love and relationships.


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