Sunday, November 1, 2020

POLITICO Playbook: NEW polls: Two days out, race tightens in Florida and Pennsylvania

Presented by the Partnership for America's Health Care Future: Rated the #1 political newsletter by political professionals.
Nov 01, 2020 View in browser

By Anna Palmer and Jake Sherman

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HAPPY NOVEMBER! TWO DAYS until Election Day.

PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP is continuing to barnstorm at a frenetic pace, hitting Michigan, Iowa, North Carolina, Georgia and Florida today as he hopes rally size will translate into votes on Tuesday. JOE BIDEN, meanwhile, is focused squarely on Pennsylvania today with multiple events in the Keystone State as polls show the race tightening there.

THE CLOSE OF THE ELECTION comes as the country is facing crises on multiple fronts. THE CORONAVIRUS continues to rage -- more than 9.1 MILLION Americans have tested positive for coronavirus and 230,566 Americans have died. States across the country are facing a huge increase in coronavirus cases, hospitals are at or nearing capacity and experts are predicting a long slog into 2021. DR. ANTHONY FAUCI told WaPo Friday that "all the stars are aligned in the wrong place as you go into the fall and winter season, with people congregating at home indoors. You could not possibly be positioned more poorly."

COVID RELIEF negotiations are dead for the time being. There's little hope that post-election there will be a catalyst that could spur Speaker NANCY PELOSI and Treasury Secretary STEVEN MNUCHIN back to the negotiating table in short order to actually work out a deal. Meanwhile Americans are struggling to make ends meet, the economy continues to falter and officials are predicting dire budget forecasts that would leave states unable to pay their bills.

CITIES are boarding up storefronts as they brace for possible protests. In North Carolina, a peaceful march to the polls turned violent with children being sprayed with pepper spray. After months of social justice protests, the U.S. is still grappling with a reckoning on race in this country.

NO MATTER THE RESULTS OF THE ELECTION, the question remains: Can and how will this country come back together?

FROM 30,000 FEET -- NYT'S PETER BAKER: "Dishonesty Has Defined the Trump Presidency. The Consequences Could Be Lasting": "Born amid made-up crowd size claims and 'alternative facts,' the Trump presidency has been a factory of falsehood from the start, churning out distortions, conspiracy theories and brazen lies at an assembly-line pace that has challenged fact-checkers and defied historical analogy.

"But now, with the election just days away, the consequences of four years of fabulism are coming into focus as President Trump argues that the vote itself is inherently 'rigged,' tearing at the credibility of the system. Should the contest go into extra innings through legal challenges after Tuesday, it may leave a public with little faith in the outcome — and in its own democracy.

"The nightmarish scenario of widespread doubt and denial of the legitimacy of the election would cap a period in American history when truth itself has seemed at stake under a president who has strayed so far from the normal bounds that he creates what allies call his own reality. Even if the election ends with a clear victory or defeat for Mr. Trump, scholars and players alike say the very concept of public trust in an established set of facts necessary for the operation of a democratic society has eroded during his tenure with potentially long-term ramifications."

STATE OF THE RACE … NEW POLLS: "Post-ABC polls: Biden has slight lead in Pennsylvania; Florida a toss-up," by WaPo's Dan Balz, Scott Clement and Emily Guskin: "Among likely voters in Pennsylvania, Biden is at 51 percent to Trump's 44 percent, and Libertarian Jo Jorgensen is at 3 percent. Biden was leading by 54 percent to 45 percent a month ago. While the shift is slight, Biden no longer holds a statistically significant advantage, given the four-point margin of sampling error that applies to each candidates' support. Among all registered voters in the Keystone State, Biden is at 49 percent to Trump's 45 percent, with Jorgensen at 3 percent.

"In Florida, Trump is at 50 percent to Biden's 48 percent among likely voters. Jorgensen registers at 1 percent. Last month, Trump was at 51 percent and Biden at 47 percent. Among registered voters in Florida, Trump stands at 49 percent with Biden at 47 percent. Last month among registered voters, Biden was at 48 percent and Trump at 47 percent. Those month-to-month shifts are not statistically significant."

-- NYT/SIENNA POLL: "Election at Hand, Biden Leads Trump in Four Key States, Poll Shows," by NYT's Alex Burns and Jonthan Martin: "Joseph R. Biden Jr. holds a clear advantage over President Trump across four of the most important presidential swing states, a new poll shows, bolstered by the support of voters who did not participate in the 2016 election and who now appear to be turning out in large numbers to cast their ballots, mainly for the Democrat.

"Mr. Biden, the former vice president, is ahead of Mr. Trump in the Northern battlegrounds of Wisconsin and Pennsylvania, as well as in the Sun Belt states of Florida and Arizona, according to a poll of likely voters conducted by The New York Times and Siena College. His strength is most pronounced in Wisconsin, where he has an outright majority of the vote and leads Mr. Trump by 11 points, 52 percent to 41 percent.

"Mr. Biden's performance across the electoral map appears to put him in a stronger position heading into Election Day than any presidential candidate since at least 2008, when in the midst of a global economic crisis Barack Obama captured the White House with 365 Electoral College votes and Mr. Biden at his side."

-- "Biden leads Trump by 10 points in final pre-election NBC News/WSJ poll," by NBC's Mark Murray: "Democrat Joe Biden maintains his double-digit national lead over Republican President Donald Trump in the final national NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll before the 2020 presidential election, with six-in-10 voters saying the country is on the wrong track, and with a majority disapproving of the president's handling of the coronavirus. Biden is ahead of Trump nationally by 10 points among registered voters, 52 percent to 42 percent, in what has been a remarkably stable race over the course of a tumultuous year in American politics."

-- CBS: "Biden leads, Trump needs Election Day surge to win," by Anthony Salvanto, Kabir Khanna and Jennifer De Pinto

DRIVING THE DAY … TRUMP will speak at campaign rallies in Washington, Mich., Dubuque, Iowa, Hickory, N.C., Rome, Ga. and Opa-Locka, Fla. He will spend the night in Doral, Fla. VP MIKE PENCE will attend a Sunday church fellowship in Boone, N.C. ON MONDAY: Trump will campaign in Fayetteville, N.C., Avoca, Pa., Traverse City, Mich., Kenosha, Wis. and Grand Rapids, Mich. Gabby Orr on Trump's battleground blitz

JOE BIDEN will be in Philadelphia and deliver remarks at a "Souls to the Polls" event and speak at a drive-in event. He will also attend a fundraiser. Sen. KAMALA HARRIS (D-Calif.) will participate in voter mobilization events in Gwinnett County, Ga., Goldsboro and Fayetteville, N.C.

NOTABLE NAMES FROM BIDEN'S $100K+ BUNDLER LIST: Elizabeth Bagley, Sen. Tammy Baldwin (D-Wis.), Amb. Matthew Barzun, Jeremy Bash, Rep. Joyce Beatty (D-Ohio), California A.G. Xavier Becerra, Sen. Michael Bennet (D-Colo.), Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), Sen. Cory Booker (D-N.J.), Crandall and Erskine Bowles, Anastasia Dellaccio, Michèle Flournoy, Nikki Fried, Rep. Ruben Gallego (D-Ariz.), Jeffrey Katzenberg, Alex Lasry, Marc Lasry, Tim Lim, Caprcia Marshall, Scott Mulhauser, Tom Nides, Ali Rubin, Evan Ryan, Mary and Jeff Zients.

A message from the Partnership for America's Health Care Future:

When it comes to health care, lowering costs is voters' highest priority – but the public option could force the average worker to pay $2,500 more a year in payroll taxes in addition to the cost of their current coverage. Get the facts.


SUNDAY BEST… JAKE TAPPER interviewed Biden senior campaign adviser ANITA DUNN on CNN'S "STATE OF THE UNION." Asked if she was "confident" BIDEN "won't wake up after the election wishing he had done more?": DUNN: "We have people across-the-board campaigning for us in states all across the country. People that ran against Vice President Biden in the primaries are out in force this weekend. I think everybody is not -- is not leaving anything to chance. We're going to work hard. We're going to work until the polls close. We're going to get every vote we can."

-- ON WHO IS GOING TO WIN: DUNN: "I'm not in the prediction business. I will leave that to all of you. But we feel confident about where we are. And we feel very confident about our pathways to victory."

-- CHUCK TODD spoke with Pennsylvania Secretary of State KATHY BOOCVAR on NBC'S "MEET THE PRESS" about how long it will take to get results in the Keystone State: BOOCKVAR: "This is going to be 10 times as many as the last time we had a presidential election in Pennsylvania. So, yes, it will take longer. But having said that, I want to be clear that elections have never been called election night. … I expect that the overwhelming majority of ballots in Pennsylvania, that's mail-in and absentee ballots, as well as in-person ballots, will be counted within a matter of days. The counties are staffing up, have a ton of equipment, best practices in place, and are planning, for the most part, to count 24/7 until it's done."

-- CHRIS WALLACE interviewed Trump senior campaign adviser COREY LEWANDOWSKI on FOX NEWS' "FOX NEWS SUNDAY" via Caitlin Oprysko: "In an interview on "Fox News Sunday," Corey Lewandowski brushed aside such accusations that have stemmed from Trump and the Republican Party looking to limit the collection and processing of a flood of mail-in ballots, as well as videotaping voters at a ballot dropbox in Philadelphia, asserting that Republicans are looking to find voter fraud.

"'Look, this is about the integrity of the process,' Lewandowski said, arguing that he didn't believe anyone in the country should have a problem with the campaign suing to obtain the signatures of voters in Democratic-leaning Clark County, Nevada. 'To verify via signature that the person who filled out the ballot is actually the one who signed it and sent it back in, I don't think anybody in America has a problem with that. Signature verification is something that takes place in most of the big states that do this well and particularly the state of Florida.'" Full story

-- JASON MILLER predicted an election night victory for TRUMP in an interview with GEORGE STEPHANOPOLOUS on ABC'S "THIS WEEK": MILLER: "We think that President Trump is going to hold all of the Sun Belt states that he won previously. And as you look to the upper Midwest, Joe Biden has to stop President Trump in four out of four states; Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota. If President Trump wins just won of those in three of the four that he won last time, he will be a re-elected president. … We believe that we'll be over 290 electoral votes on election night. So no matter what they try to do, what kind of hijinks or law suits or whatever kind of nonsense they try to pull off, we're still going to have enough electoral votes to get President Trump re-elected."

SOMEONE'S ENJOYING ROME … @newtgingrich: "My best estimate two days before the election is Trump 324 electoral votes Biden 214. The Des Moines Register poll showing Trump winning Iowa 48-41 and the Democracy Institute Poll showing Trump winning popular vote by 1 and swing states by 5 convinced me this will not be close."

THE CASE FOR TRUMP -- "'You can certainly see how he could win': Why Trump isn't done yet," by David Siders and Anita Kumar: "Everything would have to break exactly right for Donald Trump to win reelection. But the recipe for an upset is there. Trump is polling within striking distance of Joe Biden in Florida, North Carolina and Arizona. Republicans are gaining on Democrats in the early vote in Florida. If the president can carry the Sun Belt states he won in 2016 and beat Biden in Pennsylvania, he could well hold the White House for four more years.

"'For as bad as all this s—t is,' said Jeff Roe, the Republican strategist who steered Ted Cruz's 2016 presidential campaign, 'you can certainly see how he could win.' It's a big 'if' resting on a tower of uncertainties — explosive Republican turnout on Election Day, including among new, same-day registrants; tepid enthusiasm for Biden, especially among young people of color; disruptions at polling places that depress Democratic turnout; legal victories related to ballot counting; and a full-on embrace of Trump by the few voters who remain undecided."

HIS ALLIES PLOWING AHEAD -- "Their First Try Backfired, but Giuliani and Allies Keep Aiming at Biden," by NYT's Kenneth P. Vogel, Jim Rutenberg and Maggie Haberman: "This time, [Rudy Giuliani] and his allies are using a mix of unsubstantiated assertions about the former vice president, innuendo and salacious material about his son, as well as records showing that Hunter Biden invoked his 'family's brand' as a reason he was valuable to a business venture, while his team's business plan cited his father's work in particular countries.

"Mr. Giuliani and his allies — operating in parallel with a loosely linked network of conservatives — are in effect trying to recreate the blueprint Mr. Trump and his allies employed in 2016, when they used emails and documents, many stolen by Russian hackers, to paint Hillary Clinton as criminally corrupt and spread depraved conspiracy theories." NYT

READYING FOR A SECOND TERM -- "White House plots possible second-term Cabinet purge," by Nancy Cook: "President Donald Trump and his top aides are planning a huge overhaul of his Cabinet if he wins a second term, scuttling officials in key health-related and intelligence jobs who Trump views as disloyal, slow-acting or naysayers. The shift would amount to a purge of any Cabinet member who has crossed the president, refused to mount investigations he has demanded, or urged him to take a different, more strict tack on the coronavirus response.

"The evictions could run the gamut from senior health officials to much of the national security leadership. Already, the White House and administration officials have started to vet names of health care experts who could take over the agencies running many elements of the government's pandemic response and overseeing the country's health insurance system, according to two Republicans close to the White House. And the president is eying a remake of leadership at the FBI, CIA and Pentagon, exasperated with what he perceives as unwillingness to investigate his preferred subjects or take on the government's 'deep state.'" POLITICO

ON THE GROUND -- NEWS & OBSERVER: "March to Alamance polls ends with police using pepper-spray on protesters, children," by Zachery Eanes and Carli Brosseau: "Alamance County sheriff's deputies and Graham police pepper-sprayed people — including a 5-year-old girl and other children — who were participating in the "I Am Change" march to the polls on Saturday afternoon.

"A racially diverse group of about 200 people walked with a police escort from Wayman's Chapel AME Church to Court Square, where they held a rally encouraging people to vote. The event was organized by Rev. Greg Drumwright, a Burlington native who leads the Citadel Church in Greensboro, according to his website. ...

"At one point, the marchers held a moment of silence in the street in honor of George Floyd, the Black man killed while in police custody in Minneapolis earlier this summer. After the moment of silence concluded, law enforcement told people to clear the road. Then, deputies and police officers used pepper spray on the crowd and began arresting people. Several children in the crowd were affected by the pepper spray.

"Melanie Mitchell said her 5-year-old and 11-year-old daughters were pepper-sprayed just after the moment of silence. She said Graham police approached the crowd assembled in the street and told them to move onto the sidewalk and soon began spraying pepper spray toward the ground. Mitchell's 5-year-old took off running, she said. Both kids threw up.

MEANWHILE … "Far-right militia groups fixate on Election Day doomsday scenarios," by Tina Nguyen


A message from the Partnership for America's Health Care Future:

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The public option could raise the average worker's taxes by $2,500/year in addition to the cost of their current coverage. Get the facts.


THE BATTLE FOR CONTROL OF THE SENATE -- "Tillis scrambles, Cunningham lies low in closing days of N.C. Senate race," by James Arkin in Charlotte, N.C.: "Republican Sen. Thom Tillis is campaigning everywhere. Democrat Cal Cunningham is hard to find. Both campaigns think that's exactly how they win — and potentially secure their party a Senate majority.

"The North Carolina Senate race, the most expensive in U.S. history after more than $250 million in spending, has not been kind to either candidate down the home stretch. Tillis was forced into isolation after contracting Covid-19. Cunningham voluntarily went into relative isolation after admitting to an extramarital affair.

"The diverging strategies are on display in the final weekend of a race that could decide control of the Senate. Tillis is barnstorming the state, flanked by a roster of big-name GOP surrogates: Vice President Mike Pence, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz and former Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley. The incumbent senator is joining President Donald Trump at multiple rallies in the state, including one on Sunday and another on Monday.

"At a campaign stop with Haley here Saturday morning, about 100 people crowded together outside a local barbecue joint, most of them wearing masks and light jackets in the brisk chill. Tillis knocked Cunningham for not being more visible as voting came to a close. After an election that's been mostly a referendum on Tillis and Trump, the Republican is hoping this late angle is the one to break through after other attacks on Cunningham didn't stick." POLITICO

-- IN GEORGIA: "Can Raphael Warnock Go From the Pulpit to the Senate?," by Richard Fausset in Dalton, Ga.: "Polls show Dr. Warnock, 51, leading a crowded field in one of two Senate races in Georgia, running with the same playbook used by his close ally Stacey Abrams, who came tantalizingly close to an upset in the 2018 governor's race by turning out minorities and younger voters in this demographically changing state.

"Dr. Warnock brings something else to the table. His position as the senior pastor of the Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta gives him a direct connection to the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., who preached at the church, and, by extension, a central place in the nation's ongoing civil rights conversation.

"But the Dr. King that animates Dr. Warnock's campaign is not the anodyne figure sometimes portrayed in popular myth. Dr. Warnock considers himself a disciple of the flesh-and-blood Dr. King, who was not only an avatar of nonviolence, but also a rabble-rousing champion of the poor. And while Georgia, a state not too long removed from its Jim Crow past, may be ready to send a Black senator to Washington, is it willing to elect someone as unabashedly progressive as Dr. Warnock, even if he comes to politics as a man of God?" NYT

WAPO'S PAUL KANE: "Sen. Schumer could be the second-biggest winner in the election — or relegated to perennial political bridesmaid": "A bit superstitious and focused on winning first, Schumer has avoided big speeches about how he would run the Senate, unlike Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), who spent all of 2014 describing how he would govern in the run-up to the midterms that made him majority leader for the next six years.

"Schumer, who declined to speak for this column, has happily taken a back seat as House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) does TV appearances at a rate that Schumer used to crave. But if Democrats hit the trifecta — a Joe Biden victory with control of the House and Senate — Schumer will become the focal point of the battle over how ambitious they need to be.

"The immediate will-he-won't-he speculation will focus on abolishing the legislative filibuster so a more robust agenda can pass on a simple majority rather than a 60-vote supermajority needed to end debate on most bills."


NEW EPISODES OF POLITICO'S GLOBAL TRANSLATIONS PODCAST: The world has long been beset by big problems that defy political boundaries, and these issues have exploded in 2020. Are world leaders and political actors up to the task of solving them? Is the private sector? Our Global Translations podcast, presented by Citi, unpacks the roadblocks to smart policy decisions and examines the long-term costs of the short-term thinking that drives many political and business decisions. Subscribe for Season Two, available now.


BYU fans hold up cardboard cutouts of Democratic presidential candidate former Joe Biden and President Donald Trump before an NCAA college football game between BYU and Western Kentucky on Saturday, Oct. 31, 2020, in Provo, Utah.

PHOTO DU JOUR: BYU fans hold up cardboard cutouts of Joe Biden and President Donald Trump before a game between BYU and Western Kentucky on Saturday, Oct. 31, in Provo, Utah. | Rick Bowmer/Pool via AP Photo

CHOOSE YOUR OWN ADVENTURE … THE FUTURE OF THE GOP, PART I -- "'She Kind of Reminds You of Margaret Thatcher': Liz Cheney Prepares To Make Her Move," by Alex Thompson

THE FUTURE OF THE GOP, PART II -- "Madison Cawthorn wants to be the AOC of the right," by Ally Mutnick in Asheville, N.C.: "On Tuesday, Republicans could add to their ranks a 25-year-old congressman bent on being as disruptive to the right as Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is to the left — or suffer an embarrassing defeat in a district they have no business losing. Either way, the election here in North Carolina's 11th District is poised to rattle the Grand Old Party.

"Madison Cawthorn, the paraplegic survivor of a near-fatal car crash, achieved instant star power after a June primary in which he toppled the candidate endorsed by both President Donald Trump and former GOP Rep. Mark Meadows, who resigned the seat to become the president's chief of staff. Armed with his newfound fame, Cawthorn has centered his campaign on a scathing critique of his own party, calling it xenophobic, feckless and devoid of empathy — all while aligning himself closely with a president accused of embodying those very traits.

"'I definitely am running against the Republican Party,' he said in an interview this week, calling the GOP 'timi' on everything from race to immigration to health care. 'They're a party that doesn't try to tackle real issues. They are a party that always says no to things.'"

BEYOND THE BELTWAY -- "'A political thing': How mask mandates became a defining issue in Iowa," by Dan Diamond in Dubuque County, Iowa: "People in this heartland community say they never wanted, or even expected, to wrestle with the proposed mask mandate that's dividing their county, which is now reeling from one of the nation's worst Covid-19 outbreaks.

"But that was before Vice President Mike Pence i n June punted questions about mask mandates to state leaders, touting 'the genius of America is the principle of federalism.' Then Iowa's Gov. Kim Reynolds vowed in August and September that she would never order universal masking despite doctors' pleas, with the GOP governor claiming a mask mandate was a "feel-good" measure that wouldn't actually save lives.

"So a debate that once gripped the White House has ended up here, nestled beside corners of Illinois and Wisconsin — and it has animated the politics of a state that was thought to be in the bag for President Donald Trump but now appears to be a seesaw battle, with Trump making a last-minute visit to Dubuque on Sunday.

"The dispute has reached the most literal of grassroots — a rural county where a retiree from the nearby John Deere factory has spent months battling with an electric utility project manager, through Zoom calls and open letters, over whether the county should order nearly 100,000 residents to wear face coverings." POLITICO


A message from the Partnership for America's Health Care Future:

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American families can't afford the public option. Learn why.


HMM -- "Trump admin funds plasma company based in owner's condo," by AP's Richard Lardner and Jason Dearen: "When the Trump administration gave a well-connected Republican donor seed money to test a possible COVID-19-fighting blood plasma technology, it noted the company's "manufacturing facilities" in Charleston, South Carolina.

"Plasma Technologies LLC is indeed based in the stately waterfront city. But there are no manufacturing facilities. Instead, the company exists within the luxury condo of its majority owner, Eugene Zurlo. Zurlo's company may be in line for as much as $65 million in taxpayer dollars; enough to start building an actual production plant, according to internal government records and other documents obtained by The Associated Press."

DEEP DIVE -- "How Falwell Kept His Grip on Liberty Amid Sexual 'Games,' Self-Dealing," by Maggie Severns, Brandon Ambrosino, and Michael Stratford

MEDIAWATCH -- "Joe Rogan's Podcast Sparks Tensions Inside Spotify," by WSJ's Anne Steele: "Spotify Technology SA's $100 million bet on Joe Rogan has put the audiostreaming company in business with one of podcasting's most popular—and polarizing—voices. Amid controversy, executives are standing by that voice. ...

"Mr. Rogan's show, which also tops Apple Podcast charts and other rankings, has troubled some company employees, who in a town-hall meeting in September expressed concern over material they felt was anti-transgender, according to people familiar with the matter. Recent appearances on the show from two guests—first Abigail Shrier, an author critical of transgender issues; then Alex Jones, a radio host and the publisher of InfoWars, whose content has been removed from Facebook, Apple, YouTube and Spotify—have sparked outrage from listeners inside and outside the company who have posted on social media to express their disagreement. …

"Mr. Rogan's episodes so far have passed muster with the company's content policies, according to people familiar with the matter. Chief Executive Daniel Ek reiterated Thursday his desire to make Spotify the 'largest audio platform in the world'—and said that ambition involves embracing diverse voices and differing opinions as the company chases scale in podcasting. Mr. Ek said that applying the rules consistently is his priority.

"'The most important thing for us is to have very clear policies in place,' he said in an interview Thursday. 'It doesn't matter if you're Joe Rogan or anyone else, we do apply those policies and they need to be evenly applied.'" WSJ


EXCLUSIVE: "THE CIRCUS" & POLITICO TEAM UP TO PULL BACK THE CURTAIN ON THE MOST UNPRECEDENTED PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION IN HISTORY: It's been the most unconventional and contentious election season of our lifetime. The approach taken by each candidate couldn't be more different, yet the stakes couldn't be higher as we cross the finish line. Join POLITICO's John Harris, Laura Barrón-López, Gabby Orr and Eugene Daniels in a conversation with John Heilemann, Alex Wagner, Mark McKinnon and Jennifer Palmieri of Showtime's "The Circus" on Thursday, Nov. 5 at 8 p.m. EST for an insiders' look at the Trump and Biden campaigns, behind-the-scenes details and nuggets from the trail, and the latest on where things stand and where they are heading. DON'T MISS THIS! REGISTER HERE.


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SPOTTED: Labor Secretary Eugene Scalia on a Delta flight from Detroit to Dulles on Saturday.

WEDDINGS -- Dan Martini, VP of congressional relations at the American Bankers Association, and Kat Torre, a physical therapist with the Orthopedic Foot and Ankle Center of D.C., got married on Saturday at Georgetown's Dahlgren Chapel. Friends and family watched the ceremony via Zoom and are planning to celebrate with the couple in-person next year. The couple met in 2018.

-- Elaine Joseph and Sean Casey, via NYT: "The pair had been friends since they met during a Cotton Bowl watch party featuring Texas A&M and the University of Oklahoma in 2013. ... They were both working for the late Senator Thomas A. Coburn, Republican of Oklahoma. She was an intern and he was a legislative correspondent. ... The couple had originally planned to marry June 13 at Southwind Hills, an events space near Oklahoma City. Because of the coronavirus they instead were married there on Oct. 9, cutting the guest list in half to 150. Roland Raymond Foster, their friend and former legislative director for Senator Coburn, became a Universal Life minister to officiate."

WELCOME TO THE WORLD -- Shannon Scully, senior manager for criminal justice policy at the National Alliance on Mental Illness, and Joshua Breisblatt, counsel for the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration and Citizenship, welcomed Benjamin Francis Breisblatt on Sunday, Oct. 25.

BIRTHDAYS: Apple CEO Tim Cook is 6-0 … Charles Koch is 85 … David Bossie, president of Citizens United and a Fox News contributor, is 55 … former Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.), who's running again, is 67 … former Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke is 59 … Katie Walsh Shields, RNC senior adviser for data ... ITA's Vanessa Morrone Ambrosini (h/t husband Mike) … WaPo book critic Carlos Lozada … Noel Eisenberg … POLITICO's Jason Shervinski, Cristina Brownell, Anya Lilaoonwala and Anthony Hatch … Glover Park Group's Alex Byers … Brian Mahoney … John Oxtoby of Ariel Investments … Craig Kunkle … Michael Byerly is 31 … Jess Andrews, comms director for Sen. John N. Kennedy (R-La.) (h/t Chris Krepich) … Liz Dougherty, general counsel and corporate secretary at Business Roundtable … Madelaine Pisani, Senate campaigns reporter at National Journal …

… Senate Chaplain Barry Black is 72 … Eric Liu is 52 … Grace Bellone, legislative director at Alpine Group … Clare Steinberg … Megan Wilson of Bloomberg Government … Tyler Hernandez … Chloe (Mullins) Taylor of Hawk Partners ... Ali Ahmad … Edelman's Pearson Cummings … Peter Urban … Bill Deere … Leslie Pollner … John Stipicevic … Anthony DeAngelo … CNN's Marshall Cohen … John Seeley … Liz Bowman … Francesco Guerrera, head of international for Dow Jones Media Group and publisher of Financial News … Les Novitsky … Larry Flynt is 78 (h/t Nadia Szold) … Fergus Bordewich … former Rep. Bruce Poliquin (R-Maine) is 67 … former Rep. John Spratt (D-S.C.) is 78 … Greg Werkheiser … Doug Stevens … Angela Hart … Anthony Fragale … Felesia Martin (h/ts Teresa Vilmain) … Bo Harmon … Kinky Friedman is 76 … Sonia Sroka … Paul Steltz … Caitlan Dowling

A message from the Partnership for America's Health Care Future:

During this critical time, access to affordable, high-quality health care is more important than ever, but creating the public option could result in higher taxes or premiums for American families. In fact, a recent study finds the public option would become the third most expensive government program behind Medicare and Social Security, both of which are already at risk for those who rely on them.

Let's build on and improve what's working where private coverage, Medicare and Medicaid work together, not start over with a one-size-fits-all government health insurance system like the public option. Learn more.


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