

Explore Advanced Features on Interactive Charts

My Barchart Member Tips: 8 of 8

Add Trendlines, Comparisons, Expressions, and More to Charts

Interactive Charts have numerous advanced features, such as Dark Theme (in Dashboard and on full-screen pop-out chart), Drawing Tools, Comparisons, and Adjustment Settings. When logged in, any tool or customization you add to your chart is automatically saved for the next time you view it.

Have your explored these features?

Drawing Tools - Add Trendlines, Text, Fibonacci, 50% Line, and more, with right-click options to change colors, or configure advanced parameters. Use one of Barchart's specialized tools to calculate Profit/Loss or Reward/Risk:

Chart Drawing Tools

Just open the Tools menu, select a tool, then click to place it on the chart. To further customize the tool or to move its position, right-click on the tool and follow the prompts.


"Pop Out" Chart - Like the chart you're viewing? Pop it out to a full-screen chart in a new browser window and keep it open while you navigate to other pages on the site. Once you've got your full-screen pop-out chart open, look for the "Mode" button to switch between light and dark theme.

Click the arrow for a popout chart

Comparison Charts - Compare against popular indices, or add up to three symbols for a side-by-side comparison of price or percent performance. Open the Chart menu, then select Comparison Chart:

Comparison Chart

Spreads and Expression Charts - Choose from popular futures spreads, or enter your own custom expression. Open the Chart menu, then select Expressions & Spreads:

Expressions and Spreads Chart

Equities Adjustments - Plot Dividends, Earnings, and Splits; extend intraday charts to show pre- and post-market data. Open the Settings menu (cog icon) / Adjustments tab:

Adjust for Dividends, Show Earnings

Futures Contract Roll / Back Adjust - Nearby and Continuous Futures charts can be configured to roll based on DTE or Volume/Open Interest, with prices adjusted when switching contract months. To show Adjustments on your futures chart, open the Settings menu (cog icon) / Adjustments tab.

Chart Sharing - Send an exact copy of your chart with all your markups to Social Media outlets or via email. To share your chart, open the Chart menu, then select Social Share.


P.S. - Did you know you can receive a daily Watchlist email recap of today's price action, using any of your favorite Custom Views? (a Barchart Premier feature).

Questions? Email support@barchart.com. Our Service Department is available Monday-Friday from 7a - 5p CT to assist.

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