Saturday, September 19, 2020

6 Steps to Make Money from Stocks You Don’t Own

Penny Stock Millionaires

6 Steps to Make Money from Stocks You Don't Own

  • A follow up to yesterday’s issue…
  • One of the most lucrative -- but confusing -- topics made simple…
  • Here’s how to make money off of stocks you don’t own…

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It’s a minute long video that could change the way you make money forever.

You could have a real opportunity to collect payouts like $8,900… $11,400… or even an exceptional $54,000 as soon as this coming Monday.

You do not want to miss your chance.

But you need to watch this video before it's taken down Monday at midnight.

Timothy SykesDear Penny Stock Millionaire,

Yesterday, you got the answers to eight of the most common questions I receive about penny stocks.

One of those questions was: 

“How do you make money when stocks go down?”

To which I answered:

Shorting the stock.

Let’s talk about that a little more…

Short selling is an investing strategy. You borrow shares of stock from your broker and sell them for a profit.

If you want to speculate that a stock’s price will drop, taking a short position can be profitable.

There are distinct patterns that identify these opportunities.

Let me show you how you can turn them into profits.

Betting against worthless or near-worthless companies has made me a lot of money. I want to share that insight with you.

Here is the six step process you need to know…

Step #1: Your Identify the Stock You Want to Short

Start by identifying a stock that you believe will decline in price. That enables you to buy it back at a lower price.

This is what earns you profit.

To do this, you have to learn the patterns that indicate when a stock is failing. We’ll cover those patterns in another issue.

For now, just learn the basic concepts...

For example, be sure to approach short selling with diligence and a familiarity with the risks involved.

Another basic you should understand is shorting is 100% legal. Not everyone knows that.

Also, understand that you’re not going to win every time you short. No one wins every time.

But, the more preparation you do, the more practice you get, and the more diligent you are in monitoring your shorted stocks, the better you will do.

Alright, so after you’ve I.D.’d the stock you think will fall…

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The world's most powerful organizations and billionaire investors have all been quietly preparing for an historical event called "The Awakening." Well, the moment has finally arrived, and it could create over 18,000 new millionaires.

Here's the story

Step #2: You Borrow the Stock

To short a stock, you need to sell a stock you do not own.

How can you sell something you don’t own 

Let’s look at an example.

Say you want to bet against 1,000 shares of a penny stock.

You’d need to go to a broker and ask him to loan you 1,000 shares when they have shares available to short.

You’ll want to compile a list of go-to brokers who always have shares to short.

Many brokers lack the tools to short sell penny stocks.

Therefore, they can’t and won’t allow investors to do so.

But if your broker does allow it…

And if they're willing to loan you the shares of stock you want based on your account and other factors, you’ll get them.


Step #3: You Sell the Stock

This one’s pretty simple.

After your broker lends you shares of the stock you want you should immediately sell those shares in the market. 

That leaves you with two things 

1) Cash from selling the shares you borrowed.

2) A “debt” to your broker of 1,000 shares of penny stock. Call it -1,000 shares.

Here’s what comes next…

Step #4: You Wait for the Stock Price to Decline

This part is simple.

Just like when you buy a stock you have to wait for the price to go up…

When you short a stock you have to wait for the price to go down.

If you are right about the stock price dropping -- say it drops $2 per share -- then your position of “-1,000 shares” would have made you roughly $2,000.

That’s only a gain on paper though.

To realize the gain, you need to go to the next step…

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"The biggest wealth run in America's history"

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Did you miss this? If you’re like most Americans chances are you did.

On March 27, 2020, while the entire world was distracted with the COVID-19 pandemic…

The U.S. government signed a historic law that some are calling “an epic moment”.

The law could create one of the greatest wealth runs in the history of the United States

Even President Trump has said this law “is going to make a lot of people very happy…

To discover how you can get in on this opportunity…

Go here now before it's too late.

Step #5: You Have to Buy Back the Stock

The profit from shorting arises from the difference between:

1) The stock’s price at the time you borrowed and sold the shares. And…

2) The price at which you buy it back. 

-1,000 shares x -$2/share =$2,000 profit.

Step 6: Return the Stock

Deliver the same number of shares back to your broker.

In our example, you’d return the 1,000 shares.

Since you bought them back cheaper than you sold them for… you keep the difference!

Pretty cool, right?

You can repeat the process when you identify the next opportunity, too.

And there are tons of opportunities…

Remember, if a company is totally worthless…. even 1 penny per share means it’s overvalued.

So there you go…

You can, in fact, make money off of shares you don’t actually own.

Short selling a stock that you believe will drop in price has risk, too

But if you look closely and learn to identify the trends and recognize the pump, huge opportunity exists in shorting penny stocks.

Enjoy your weekend,

Tim Sykes
Editor, Penny Stock Millionaires

P.S. After months of working on a secret project... 

A Former Bear Stearns Managing Director released a shocking clip

And over 7,900 people have taken advantage of her advice since it came online.

>>> Click below to see it <<<

Click here to learn more

If you’re looking to potentially start next week out with a bang...

You need to see this clip.

Click here to watch.

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*Results may not be typical and may vary from person to person. Making money trading stocks takes time, dedication, and hard work. There are inherent risks involved with investing in the stock market, including the loss of your investment. Past performance in the market is not indicative of future results. Any investment is at your own risk. See Terms of Service here.

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