Friday, August 21, 2020

You’re in! Watch how sentiment drives the market

Welcome to Macro Sentiment Indicators

Thanks for subscribing to the freemium edition of Macro Sentiments indicators! If you prefer to read Telegram, you can also join a public channel, where will share the same insights and information — and make sure your notifications are on. First, what are Macro Sentiment indicators? These are weekly indicators created based on answers to questions posted to 155,000+ analysts registered on the Cindicator platform. The questions ask about employment, economic, and political environment, current and the past. The change in these indicators helps to predict big stock market moves and also figure out the weekly close of the S&P 500. Based on that, subscribers trade options for S&P 500: if the change in sentiment is positive, they buy call options (betting the market will go up), if the change is negative, they buy puts (profiting if the market will go down). With this strategy, subscribers made +50% to +200% returns a week. That's because options give built-in leverage and with a high win rate (now it's ~71%), trading options is very profitable. When people hear about these they often have the same questions. Which brokers offer options? Most big brokers offer options for S&P 500: Ameritrade, Interactive Brokers, Robinhood, and others. Do I have to use options? This strategy uses options, but you can also just buy and sell S&P 500 ETFs or futures. The returns would lower, but so would be the risks. Do I need to watch the market all the time? No! Subscribers make just one trade a week, usually buying options in EST afternoon and setting a take-profit order to sell at 50% profit (some set lower or higher). That way subscribers from the West Coast, Asia, or even Australia trade the S&P 500 while still having 9-to-5 and looking after the family (or playing golf!). Could I check past indicators? Yes, you can check the previous indicators in this spreadsheet. Don't worry if it looks too complicated, we'll explain how to use it future emails. Got other questions? Many of the frequent questions are answered in a special and constantly updated community FAQ. If so, then just please reply to this email and we'll help you. We've helped plenty of new people to get started with options and the subscribers-only trading room is very helpful to everybody. And if you already know a thing or two about the options, then wait until next Thursday — that's when we'll send an email with the summary of the week's trades based on Macro Sentiment indicators. Best regards, The Cindicator team

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