Sunday, June 16, 2024

This is not that…

I want to clear something up.
Ok, so I’ve been telling you about my brand new Income Pocket.

And I’ve gotten some questions about it… 

“Is this anything like your ‘income glitch’ technique?” 

It’s a fair question, so let me clear it up…

No, the “income pocket” and the “income glitch” aren’t related at all — except that they’re BOTH undefeated! 

The “income pocket” is an entirely new way to target income on one of the hottest assets of the year.

And if you have any more questions about it, you’re in luck…

Because on Monday, I’m going to spill ALL the details about this brand new trade.

You know I can’t promise any wins, results are never guaranteed, but I’m more excited about this breakthrough than just about anything I’ve ever discovered. 

So join me here to discover everything you need to know

Hope to see you there,
Disclaimer: The profits and performance shown are not typical. We make no future earnings claims. You may lose money. From 8/10/2023- 4/4/2024 the win rate is 100% on 20m closed trades. The average return is 15.49% ove an 18.1 day hold time. 

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