Tuesday, June 25, 2024

How I Banked a Quick 15% on Google Using This Simple Strategy

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"Discover the setup that's been crushing it in this market."

Nate Bear, Lead Technical Tactician, Monument Traders Alliance

Nate Bear

Hey gang,

While everyone's been busy chasing the latest AI hype, I've been quietly collecting wins in Profit Surge Trader with names like Google (GOOGL):


Now, I know what you're thinking…

The market is SO overextended that we're due for a pullback…right?

Yeah, I think it's going to come sooner rather than later.

But as I told folks in the Profit Surge Trader live session, we just need to select the right strategy for the situation.

And I used one in particular with Google which is perfect for this kind of environment.

This simple strategy exploits several factors all at once: Google's upcoming earnings, the low volume, and everyone looking for a market reversal.

Today, I'm going to unpack this blueprint so you not only understand why it works, but how to deploy it RIGHT NOW.

The Market Landscape

Let's face it: we're all waiting for the other shoe to drop.

The market's been on a tear. Conventional wisdom says we're due for a pullback.

But here's the thing – between now and July 2nd, there aren't any major catalysts on the horizon that could trigger that pullback. And in the world of trading, timing is everything.

So, what's a smart trader to do?

Simple. We look for opportunities that can play out before any potential market shift.

That's exactly what we did with Google in Profit Surge Trader

Why Google?

Now, you might be wondering, "Why Google? Isn't that old news?"

Well, here's something many traders overlook: Google's earnings are coming up on July 24th.

And if there's one thing I've learned over the years, it's that high-quality stocks with a solid setup often run higher into earnings.

But not just any setup will do. We're looking for what I call a TPS setup – that's Trend, Pattern, and Squeeze.

The TPS Setup

Let's break down Google's chart:

  1. Trend: This one's a no-brainer. Google's been in a clear uptrend, and that wasn't really in question.
  2. Pattern: Now, this is where it gets interesting. At first glance, you might think there isn't a clearly defined pattern. The solid white lines don't exactly connect the highs and lows. That's okay. The idea is just to get a basic shape where most of the volume is happening in a narrowing range.
  3. Squeeze: Here's where things get juicy. We've got a valid squeeze at the bottom of the chart (red and orange dots). if you look closely, you'll see the momentum shifting up indicating some buying pressure.

All of these elements combine to form a high-quality TPS setup on the 15-minute chart.

But to add a little more fuel to this trade, I looked for an A+ setup where the 8-period exponential moving average is above the 21-period, which is above the 55-period.

Trying to analyze thousands of stocks to see which ones meet the criteria can be a huge challenge.

Luckily, I've got a shortcut.

Finding the Edge with S.A.M.

I've got to give a shout-out to our secret weapon – the S.A.M. AI Scanner. This bad boy is what initially brought this Google trade to my attention.

For those who aren't familiar, S.A.M. (which stands for Stock Acceleration Monitor) is an AI-powered scanner that we use in Profit Surge Trader to identify high-probability setups across multiple timeframes.


It's like having a team of analysts working 24/7 to find the best opportunities in the market. And let me tell you, it's been an absolute game-changer for our members.

The Trade Execution

So, armed with this information, here's how I played it in Profit Surge Trader.

I bought the GOOGL 6/28 $180 call @ $1.73.

Now, why this specific option? A few reasons:

  1. The expiration date (6/28) is before July 4th, aligning with our market outlook.
  2. It's also well before the earnings date, allowing us to potentially benefit from the pre-earnings run-up without exposing ourselves to earnings volatility.
  3. The strike price ($180) was slightly out-of-the-money, giving us a good balance of risk and reward.

I was able to sell it @ $2.00, booking a quick 15% gain the very next day.

Now, I know what some of you are thinking. "15%? That's it?" But remember, this trade played out quickly, and we were in and out before most traders even realized there was an opportunity.

Plus, had I held on longer or only sold a portion of the trade, the call options kept running, getting up to $2.95 by mid-morning, a potential gain of 73%.

How to Profit From "America's Earnings" Reports

When the Government Releases Certain Data, Either Good or Bad...

You Can Target Up to +383% Overnight (See the Proof!)

🚨 New Trade Goes LIVE THIS TUESDAY at 2 pm 🚨

The Bigger Picture

But here's the real beauty of this trade – it's not about this one win. It's about having a repeatable process that we can apply over and over again.

In Profit Surge Trader, we're not looking for home runs every time. We're looking for consistent base hits that add up over time. And let me tell you, those base hits can add up to some serious profits.

What's Next?

You're probably itching to know what's next.

What other opportunities are we eyeing in Profit Surge Trader?

Well, I'll tell you this – our S.A.M. scanner is lighting up with some interesting setups as we speak. We're seeing potential in some names that might surprise you.

But here's the thing – I can't give away all our secrets here. That wouldn't be fair to our Profit Surge Trader members who are in the trenches with us every day, making these trades in real-time.

What I can tell you is this: Tomorrow I'm hosting a special event for all Trade of the Day subscribers.

I'm going live at 2 p.m. EST where I'll be doing a live demonstration of my S.A.M. Scanner.

S.A.M. is my secret trading weapon, and I'm excited to show Trade of the Day subscribers exactly how it works to identify A+ trade setups.

Plus, I'll also be giving out bonus trades so you can start making trades immediately and without spending hours researching yourself.

Click here to get on the guest list for tomorrow's S.A.M. event.

- Nate Bear, Lead Technical Tactician

Why Crypto is Set to Explode Now That the Next Bitcoin Halving Hit...

Bitcoin Up - 8,616%

The first Bitcoin halving happened on November 28, 2012. Bitcoin went from $12 to $1,046 over the next year.

The second Bitcoin halving hit on July 9, 2016. Bitcoin launched from $663 to $19,118 in 18 months.

The third Bitcoin halving struck on May 11, 2020. Bitcoin jumped from $8,500 to over $64,000.

And now, the fourth Bitcoin halving just hit once more.

Here's why this will kick off the last great bull market in crypto.


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