Friday, June 28, 2024

Biden Replaced

There are growing rumors of a possible Joe Biden replacement following his first debate against Donald Trump.

Biden Will Be Replaced

There are growing rumors of a possible Joe Biden replacement following his first debate against Donald Trump.

It would be a complicated and unprecedented move this late in the game...

But the argument makes sense considering how dramatically Biden's odds of winning plummeted as Americans watched his performance last night.

However, I don't think that's what will actually happen...

Because there's a sneaky, yet 100% legal way for Biden to still win the electionwithout ever having to replace him on the ballot.

And THIS is what I believe will most likely emerge in the coming weeks.

It's not a scenario you or most other Americans likely expect...

But as I'll show you here would almost certainly result in the most tumultuous outcome this nation has ever seen.


Dan Ferris
Senior Analyst, Stansberry Research


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