Saturday, May 18, 2024

Lesson from Netflix's earning blunder

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Lesson From Netflix's Earning Blunder

Ryan Fitzwater, Publisher, Monument Traders Alliance

Ryan Fitzwater

Dear Reader,

As we saw with the reaction to Netflix's earnings MASSIVE triple earnings beat last week...

It doesn't matter if at all if a company CRUSHES earnings...

You can NEVER predict the market's reaction.

That's why top pro trader Nate Bear has given up trying to predict earnings together...

Instead, he uses what he calls his "One Ticker Payout" strategy...

Which exploits a rarely talked about earnings phenomenon that even Harvard, The Federal Reserve and the SEC have studied extensively....

And eliminates uncertainty by ONLY TRADE WINNERS.

Before you play any more earnings announcements this week, I highly recommend watching this short video...

It could be the difference of losing money and making MASSIVE profits

Click here to see how the strategy works >>

Yours in smart speculation,

Ryan Fitzwater Signature

Ryan Fitzwater, Publisher
Monument Traders Alliance

P.S. Nate went a perfect 27-for-27 (100% win-rate) and beat the market by 2,800% during Q1 of this year with this unique earnings strategy...

By focusing on one trade...

On one ticker...

Every week.

See how he did it here.


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