Fellow Investor, Today, I want to unlock a brand new opportunity in the stock market... A way for the average Joe to tap into a repeatable income method, on the same dates year after year... All you'll have to do is check the income calendar... Look for today's date and the ticker. And if you decide the stock is right for you, place a quick trade... Then go and enjoy life. I know that a lot of folks could really use this, especially right now. And that's why I'll be giving them all TEN of these plays away for free... So folks can tap into this powerful phenomenon, starting today... Just like with Apple, every year on June 30th... Let's say someone had $5k invested... What would you do if you knew that every year on June 30th, you could have taken a few minutes out of your day to place a quick trade on Apple... Waited a few days... And watch as north of $1,000 came pouring into your account... 10 years in a row... Always on June 30th... And had you followed along this last year, you could have collected an extra $1,757 in income with just a few clicks of the mouse... Just like our studies have shown... every year - on June 30th with Apple - for the last decade. Of course, no strategy works 100% of the time... There will be winners and losers... But if you want to see the top stocks coming up on the calendar... Click here to unlock the TEN best opportunities on the Income Calendar for FREE All the best, Jack Carter This is a paid advertisement.This is not a solicitation for the purchase or sale of securities. Readers are encouraged to conduct their own research and due diligence, and/or obtain professional advice, prior to making any investment decision. Advertisements and sponsorships are provided as a service to Stock News users. Stock News is not responsible for their content, services or products. The statements and opinions contained in this advertisement are not those of Stock News, and Stock News disclaims any liability for or arising from such statements and opinions. You are hereby advised that Stock News is receiving a fee as compensation for the distribution of this advertisement. |
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