December is, historically, one of crypto's best months.

And we've started out strong with 13% gains for Bitcoin so far...

With significantly bigger gains among select altcoins.

That being said, there is key evidence that the biggest gains this month are yet to come...

And could come very soon in an amazing "Santa Rally".

That's why this Thursday at 11:00am Pacific / 2:00pm Eastern, I'm going live with a special broadcast to help you load up on hot altcoins before the next big move in the market.

Specifically, I'm going to share how to find NEW altcoins...

Coins many investors haven't heard of, but, could see gains of 100% or potentially much, much more.

Thursday's webinar is free because we want all investors in our community to profit big...

But to watch you must register now:

Register for "Your Last Chance to Build the Perfect Altcoin Portfolio at Crazy Low Prices" Now! (Free Registration Ends Soon)

Using historical trends can give you a huge advantage as an investor.

We know from past years that "Santa Rallys" can be huge for crypto...

Join me on Thursday and I'll share how to make the most of this timeframe, step-by-step.

Bryce Paul
Crypto 101


By the way...

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