Sunday, August 20, 2023

How to play the tech "more profound than electricity"

Manward Financial Digest

How To Play the Tech "More Profound Than Electricity"

By Alex Moschina, Associate Publisher

Alex Moschina

Dear Reader,

I'll be blunt...

Artificial intelligence should be the #1 focus of every investor in 2023.

It could soon impact all our lives as dramatically as the computer... or the internet.

Bill Gates says AI is "as fundamental as the creation of the microprocessor, the personal computer, the Internet, and the mobile phone."

The CEO of Advanced Micro Devices called it "the defining megatrend in technology."

And Google's CEO Sundar Pichai called it "more profound than... electricity or fire."

Click to Play the video.

That explains why the smart money is pouring capital into the space.

Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway has a "hidden portfolio" with $21.6 million focused on the tech.

Andreessen Horowitz - the firm that made billions on early investments in Coinbase, Lyft, Slack, Pinterest, and more - has invested well over a hundred million.

And Softbank Group, run by Japan's richest man, has dedicated $28 billion to AI and similar investments.

They recognize that - in the same way many early investors in internet stocks made fortunes - early investors in AI could make a killing.

And that's why I'm writing today...

I believe we've uncovered the #1 AI stock in the world...

And if you hurry, it might still trade for less than $10.

Get the details from Alpesh here.



P.S. Please hurry. On August 14, the company announced an exciting acquisition that could instantly drive their share price upward. To hear more, click below now.

Click Here

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