Saturday, September 3, 2022

🐝 "Protect Ya Neck!"



Wealthy Retirement

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Think Tech Is Dead? Think Again...

XRI Technology

Apple's CEO says we'll look back on XRI technology and say, "How did we live our lives without it?"

One millionaire, who bought Ethereum at $0.06 (up 2,000,000% now), believes XRI is "an incredible opportunity for all of us."

Another, who bought Tesla in 2006, says XRI "will become a larger and larger part of our economy."

One billionaire's firm is investing $600 million in XRI technology.

You simply can't afford to ignore these pioneer tech investors.

>Click here to discover why.

Protect Ya Neck and Generate Solid Income

Rachel Gearhart, Associate Publisher, The Oxford Club

State of the Market video

Cash rules everything around Marc...

In this week's episode of State of the Market, Chief Income Strategist Marc Lichtenfeld channels his inner Wu-Tang to explain why you need to diversify your portfolio to "protect ya neck."

Because we want to protect our nest eggs and continue generating income, even when stocks are taking a beating like they have so far this year.

But what asset(s) should you diversify into?

According to Marc, bonds are the perfect investment to hedge against market mayhem.

When stocks are falling, bonds ensure that you're still generating income when the chips are down. During the global financial crisis, for example, stocks fell an average of 34% while investment-grade bonds returned more than 8%.

You would have lost more than a THIRD of your portfolio's wealth if you were invested purely in stocks!


XRI: The #1 Investment of the Decade

Could this new technology spark the biggest investment boom since the internet?

Barron's says it's "going to be really, really big."

Apple's CEO says that it is one of those "very few profound technologies that we will look back on one day and say, 'How did we live our lives without it?'"

While one early investor in Facebook, Twitter and Uber says, "This is the first time that technology has made me feel this excited since I was first introduced to the internet in 1994."

It's a technology one guru calls "XRI" that could be the biggest mega-trend of this decade...

And he believes one company is at the center of it all...

Still unconvinced? In this week's episode, Marc touches on more statistics to show how bond investing protects, maintains and grows your wealth during down markets.

He also gives you several alternatives to bond investing when it comes to diversification.

But listen to this first...

Marc recently hosted the Stock Quitters Summit to show viewers how to earn a contractually obligated 110% gain in less than five years...


Simply put, this is Marc's No. 1 way to diversify your portfolio.

Find all the details here!

Learn how to diversify in this week's episode of State of the Market!

Good investing,


Watch This Week's Episode

Discover Why "XRI" Could Very Well Be the Biggest Tech Revolution Since the Internet...

Bill O'Reilly's Special Report on "The Next Great Medical Breakthrough of the Decade."



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