Saturday, August 6, 2022

Apple’s dirty price move could be domino #1 of coming crisis


Web Version

Worldwide Recession

Here is an interesting offer from our partners:

Apple - World's #1 Most Profitable Store, Pulls Dirty Move On Customers

Dear Friend,

Apple may never recover if this story hits the mainstream press.

You wouldn't expect it from a firm that values capitalism as much as this $2 Trillion juggernaut...

But in a strange turn of events...

Apple started CLOSING down stores, turning customers away.

And that's not the weird part! Next thing you know...

These very same stores reopened DAYS later...

Apple [stores] resume, but with a 25% price hike.

With 25% price hikes across the board.

What the heck is happening in America?

Our top field investor Dave Forest just went on-location to find out.

And what he discovered inside these store aisles is disturbing, to be sure...

But it's not even close to the tragedy he believes will unfold in the coming weeks.

Dave says:

"Soon, I believe we'll see the price of basic staples, from groceries to gas...

Soar by an unthinkable amount - 10X... 50X... even 500 times higher."

But there's still time to position yourself & your finances to sidestep this crisis.

Click here to watch the video of Dave's urgent on-location report.

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