We've seen bear markets before, but this is different...

The truth is, the crypto market grew so much over 2018 - 2021 that now that it's coming down, it's a mass casualty event.

Too many companies—even top crypto exchanges—acted like the pump would never end. They over-hired and spent way too much money. And now that prices are coming down, they're getting crushed.

But here's the good news...

Nothing has fundamentally changed about cryptocurrency. And the technology is more advanced than ever before.

It'd be one thing if I was sitting here writing that Bitcoin or Ethereum got hacked. Or that something fundamental about crypto tech broke.

I'm not, which means one thing...

At some point, this downward trend is going to reverse...

And those who make the correct decisions right now are going to see massive profits.

That's why this Thursday at 2:00pm Eastern / 11:00am Pacific, I'm going live with a "State of the Crypto Market Address" webinar. 

Frankly, I've never worked so hard for a live webinar before... 

I've literally been on back-to-back calls with the top investors, developers, and crypto traders in the world.

And I've even personally spoken to some of the top crypto CEOs...

This is so I can give you the ultimate scoop on what's happening in crypto today. I want to show you where the market's heading as accurately as possible. And share exactly what you need to do right now to prepare for life-changing gains.

Thursday's "State of the Crypto Market Address" is free to attend...

But you must register to attend right now to be included.

You can do that right now by clicking or tapping this button now:

Yes! I'd like to attend this week's "State of the Crypto Market Address" (You must click or tap this button to be included)

I've discovered some absolutely amazing things this past week.

And I believe every crypto investor needs to attend Thursday's webinar.

So register right now to make sure you can watch!

Bryce Paul
Crypto 101


By the way...

If you're not interested in this week's critical State of the Crypto Market Address, use the link below and I will stop sending you information about it.


You'll still remain on our list to keep receiving other complimentary crypto information and resources. 

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