In a recent email, I shared a Goldman Sachs report which showed a short squeeze was likely to happen.

Then yesterday like clockwork, it happened. 

The good news is, I believe yesterday is just the start of what could be enormous upcoming gains...

Especially with Ethereum 2.0 (The Merge) and the triple halving on the way.

Best of all, prices are still low enough for you to take maximum advantage of the opportunity...

That's why today at 2:00pm Eastern / 11:00am Pacific, I'm going live to show you exactly what I'm doing in the market right now to prepare for massive gains. And give you the exact step-by-step strategy I'm using so you can do the same.

I'm going to discuss the short squeeze, Ethereum 2.0, the triple halving, and more...

And I'm going to show you how to find altcoins likely to pump the most in the near-future, step-by-step.

You are reading this email because as of now, you aren't registered for the event...

So you won't be able to watch.

The good news is you can fix that in just a few seconds by going here now:

Yes! I want to register for today's live event (final notice).

If you are looking for massive crypto gains, you must act right now.

Register now and I'll show you exactly what I'm doing in the market and how you can do the same.

Talk soon!

Bryce Paul
Crypto 101


By the way...

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