Sunday, July 11, 2021

Is ‘The Great Reopening Trade’ Coming to an End?

July 11, 2021
Only Trade During Wall Street's
Weakest Hour
One former hedge funder is pulling back the curtain on a new trading method that only requires your attention in the stock market right before it closes.

You see, from the time the market opens until about 3 p.m. EDT, Wall Street has the upper hand. But once 3 p.m. rolls around, the big funds on Wall Street start bleeding cash… which sends certain stocks crashing lower.

Take advantage of these cash bleeds during Wall Street's weakest hour for the chance to  make huge returns the next morning when the market opens up again.
Learn This Revolutionary Trading Trick
How China's Crackdown on Didi IPO Could Ruin Future Listings
The Chinese government could jeopardize trading on the Asian markets as we know it… and there's nothing investors can do about it.

If you haven't heard the shocking news yet surrounding the Didi stock IPO, then you're in for a bitter pill. Just days after Didi Global — the Chinese version of Uber — went live with an IPO, Chinese regulators demanded the company's app be removed from all mobile stores in China.

And when I witnessed the Chinese government make this move, I saw it for what it was: They don't want money leaving the country and going into America. That's extremely dangerous for the future of IPOs.

Good thing I have the perfect pairs trade lined up to counteract this shocking turn of events.
Get the Trade Here
Is 'The Great Reopening Trade' Coming to an End?
Minutes from the last Federal Reserve Board meeting were released Wednesday. And to the surprise of very few people, they're starting to talk about how they might "taper asset purchases."

For those of you who aren't familiar with that terminology, it means that now that the economy is back on track, they'd maybe prefer to not continue buying $1.4 trillion dollars in U.S. government debt every year.

I don't blame them… That's a lot to choke down.

The narrative that financial media seems to be attaching to that move is that the "Great Reflation Trade" is all over, and that inflation is over.
I'm Here to Tell You That's Wrong
How to Grab Consistent
Overnight Winners
From 1993 to 2021, traders would have lost 10% of their money buying and holding the S&P 500 during the day…

Yet if they'd bought at the close and sold again right at the open, they could've seen a 812% increase on their investments.

Where did all the gains come from? Overnight moves.

And one former $700 million hedge fund trader just revealed how he's exploiting these overnight moves on a handful of stocks every single day.
See What He's Trading Next
"I want to say thank you for breaking this down into what I call users English… makes it much easier to understand. As you put it I want to show you how to make LOTS OF MONEY in the stock market and that is it. I like to keep things simple and that is how you are laying it out. Have a happy holiday and a profitable new year in your new digs and thanks again for your help. Cheers,"

Bill M.
Oscillators tend to be somewhat misunderstood in the trading industry, despite their close association with the all-important concept of momentum. At its most fundamental level, momentum is actually a means of assessing the relative levels of greed or fear in the market at a given point in time. Markets ebb and flow, surge and retreat—the speed of such movement is measured by oscillators. Oscillators are most useful and issue their most valid trading signals when their readings diverge from prices.

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