Sunday, July 7, 2024

Dark pool orders: what you need to know...

3 stocks could be experiencing dark pool orders right now
Have you ever heard of Wall Street dark pool orders? 
These sneaky, but necessary types of trades, are perfectly legal…

Because they’re used to reduce the influence that large institutional buying activity has on the greater stock market. 

Wall Street wants to hide these moves because after one institutional investor piles into a stock… 

“Herd Instinct” tends to kick in and all of the others want to follow… 
Everyone is looking for some sort of unfair advantage… 

And this includes the large institutions.

Now, you can speculate that these Wall Street institutions have access to private information and privileged intel that folks like you and me will NEVER have… until it’s too late.

But it really doesn’t matter to me if they’re cheating the system altogether…

Because when the “herd” all jumps in…at the same time…

Their money can pool… into one big Cash Infusion. 

Building pent up demand for the next day… And ultimately sending the stock soaring.

And guess what…

I’ve found a unique way to isolate these sneaky moves in real time - while maintaining an incredibly high accuracy rate… 

And I believe that the institutions could be placing dark pool orders on 3 stocks right now.

Obviously, there’s no magic 8-ball when it comes to investing… just like with any strategy there’s bound to be good trades and bad trades but… 

If we get out in front of these sneaky dark pool orders, we could have a chance to target these stocks for what could be nice double-digit gains in just 24 hours!

You can get the names of these 3 stocks for FREE on Tuesday morning. 

Just tap any of the blue links in this email to express your interest in attending. 

Talk soon!

Graham Lindman

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