Sunday, April 7, 2024

Why Tesla may lose its spot among the top seven

With how poorly Tesla has performed since January…

It’s no surprise we’re starting to see headlines like this pop up in the media…

Now there are several reasons for Tesla’s disappointing performance.

First, its earnings numbers didn’t quite make the mark for investors…

Next, it was the reduced demand for electric cars in the U.S. and Europe…

Finally, the company started seeing a sharp drop in its profit margins.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not thrashing Tesla here.

In fact, I’m still bullish on the stock on some levels.

I mean… 

The company still crushes on almost every metric compared to other car companies and is pretty much more expensive compared to other tech companies.

But if I were to bet my money on Tesla and these three popular tech companies…

I will definitely NOT pick Tesla.

Especially because according to my research, April is known to be the most bullish month for all three stocks.

Actually, that has been the case for the last 10+ years.

Everytime April rolls by, for some reason, these three tickers seem to thrive.

Granted, I cannot promise future returns or against losses, but…

If you’d like to get the names of the three stocks I’m talking about, just follow this link right away.
We're in this together,

Graham Lindman

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