Friday, April 19, 2024

I’m afraid WWIII is a very real possibility

Hate is a word I seldom use. 

But when it comes to war, of any kind, I hate it. 

My family was torn apart by war.

That’s why I’ve been opposed to every American war including the Gulf War, the Iraq War, and the 20-year war in Afghanistan. 

As strange as it sounds… 

That's also why I've produced this new film.

Right now, the drums of war are beating once more. 

As Ray Dalio, the billionaire hedge fund manager, warns: 

“The possibility of this turning into a ‘Brutal World War III” stands at around 50%.”

I hope Ray is wrong, but I fear we could eventually be dragged into yet another war in the Middle East. 

Only this time, the outcome will be very different than before. 

How do I know? Because a new technology has emerged.

And the nations that wield this technology will not only be the ones who win future wars…

But will also be the ones who deter them. 

As one top U.S. cyber official claims: This [tech] is “the most powerful weapon of our time.”

Take a look.

Porter Stansberry

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