New gold frenzy underway
New gold frenzy underway
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You are receiving this email because you are subscribed to Behind the Markets. If you no longer wish to receive these partner emails, please unsubscribe here. Dear Reader, A strange thing is happening with gold: 1 in 5 states have now made gold and silver coins legal tender. To most Americans, this might not seem like a big deal... But those who understand the way markets work understand why this is such a big deal. (Here's what it really means.) So it's no wonder many Wall Street firms believe gold is set for a "breakout rally" in the coming months. And other analysts believe gold could soon hit $5,000. But the best way to cash in on this gold frenzy is likely NOT what you think. This virtually unknown gold strategyhas a history of returning 38% per year for nearly 2 decades. Even during the Great Recession... when the stock market lost 37% in 2008, this approach gained more than 50% -- despite the fact that gold bullion barely moved. Best of all, you can get into this strategy for just $5. Sincerely, A.J. Wiederman Senior Investment Writer, Stansberry Research This ad is sent on behalf of Stansberry Research, 1125 N Charles St, Baltimore, MD 21201. | Our mailing address is: Behind the Markets, LLC 4260 NW 1st Avenue, Suite 55 Boca Raton, FL 33431 Copyright © 2023 Behind the Markets, LLC, All rights reserved. You're receiving this email as part of your subscription to Behind the Markets. For more information about our privacy practices, please review our Privacy Policy or our Legal Notices. Unsubscribeinvisiblelink invisiblelink | |
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