Thursday, May 18, 2023

The 7 headlines behinds 7 different stock rallies

You're sorely behind the 8 ball

What If I told you today's most lucrative stock moves were NOT coming from:




Or fundamentals…

But instead they were being driven by headline news stories.

I know that sounds a bit "out there"

But according to Lance Ippolito, he has a TON of data to back that up…As you'll see, there are only 30 S&P stocks trading higher…

The other 470-ish are still in the red…

But the main reason those 30 are trading higher is because of news headlines.

Look at Microsoft, it's up 40% this year… But nearly ALL of its gains are coming off the back of headline news.

To prove his point, Lance had his team make a gif to show you what he's talking about.

What you are seeing is 7 major news stories from the likes of Fortune, CNBC, Reuters and others…

And each one was followed by a major MSFT rally…


And when you know how to trade these headlines the right way… the returns can be astonishing…

Just recently, his traders have seen overnight opportunities that paid out 70%, 160% and even one crazy one worth 245%.

So, if there was EVER a time to start targeting headline news.

Now is the time to do it.

And Lance will show you exactly how this Thursday afternoon.

Just click here and sign up.

I'll see you there,



The profits and performance shown are not typical, and you may lose money. From 2/21/20 to 5/11/23 on live trades the win rate is 66%, the average return of winners and losers is 12.9%. The average winner is 52.8% on the options over a 7 day average hold time, with a total annualized return of 125%


Superior Information 300 Center Drive #G140 Superior, Colorado 80027 United States

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