Sunday, October 2, 2022

We Can Turn Your Trading Losses into Wins

Triple-digit wins are not unusual

Fellow Investor,

You know that options are the best way to make money in a bear market.

So why aren't you seeing success?

The truth is, while it's easy to trade options…

It can be hard to find trades that are low-risk, but also high-reward.

That's why we follow Chris Capre.
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An options expert with years of experience, Chris has a unique options trading strategy…

Which has been rolling out winners like clockwork the past few months. 145%, 163%, even 236% — sometimes in as little as 7 days.

You can get his picks, twice a month, with a risk-free trial of Options Surge.
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You get 14 days to decide if you like the service.

And, with triple-digit wins like we've been seeing recently, we think you'll like it.

Stay on, and you'll get two trades a month, Chris' market news and analysis, Benzinga's lightning-fast news feed, and text and email alerts to keep you up-to-the-minute on all trades.

And, when you sign up today, you get a massive 81% discount off the usual price.

Give Options Surge a try today.
(By clicking you agree to receive email updates and special offers from Benzinga. Privacy Policy)


Trades Details:

LONG VIX BULL CALL SPREAD at 30/35 STR on JUN 22 EXP for $1.00 debit executed on JUN 15 (*CLOSED on JUN 17 for $1.45 credit) for +145% ROI

LONG UNG PUTS at 25 STR on JUL 15 EXP for $2.36 debit executed on JUN 14 (*CLOSED on JUN 27 for $3.85 credit) for +163% ROI

LONG OXY PUTS at 66 STR on JUL 15 EXP for $3.7 debit executed on JUN 9 (*CLOSED on JUN 21 for $8.75 credit) for +236% ROI

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