Friday, July 9, 2021

My Top Stocks To Buy RIGHT NOW

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Wall Street Daily

My Top Stocks To Buy RIGHT NOW

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Win up to 90% of your trades?

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Right now, $6.6 trillion a day is quietly at stake. By 2025, it could be $9 trillion a day.

Yes, I said trillion. And yes, I said every single day.

If I’m right yet again about the way things are headed…

There’s a way you could play this “war” for major profits, for as long as it rages on.

You also don’t know how you could theoretically win up to 90% of your trades from now on, if these back-tested simulations prove accurate.

Click here for the details.

Lou BaseneseLou Basenese

Editor and Founder, Trend Trader Daily

Dear Wall Street Daily Reader,

What if I told you that a single “tweak” to your portfolio could increase your profits by 851%? You’d probably be a little suspicious.

Then, what if I told you this tweak could also reduce your risk? Now you’d really be suspicious. But stick with me…

Because today, I’ll prove it to you…

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Are You Ready For Financial Lockdown?

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Few Americans seem to realize the repercussions of $11 TRILLION being pumped into the U.S. financial system in the past 18 months.

If you're counting on IRAs, 401(k)s, insurance policies, annuities, pension plans, stocks, or bonds, you NEED to prepare for what one former Goldman Sachs trader is calling "Financial Lockdown."

Learn what's happening now, what's coming next, and most importantly, what YOU can do to protect and grow your money in the years to come.

Click here for details (includes 4 steps to prepare now).

Small Size, Big Impact

Longtime readers here know that I’m a big believer in micro-cap stocks.

The reason why couldn’t be more straightforward:

Micro-caps represent the one area of the market where we actually have a huge and unfair advantage over Wall Street.

One that translates into huge profits, too.

In fact, countless academics, Wall Street professionals, and Nobel Prize winners have “crunched” the numbers behind the performance of micro-cap stocks.

What they’ve concluded is that micro-cap stocks outperform large stocks — by a wide margin!

What’s more, this outperformance happens on every stock exchange, over every time period, in all market conditions.

To see what I mean, take a look at this chart:

Growth chart

This chart shows the hypothetical performance of two portfolios.

The first portfolio, shown in light blue, contains large-cap stocks only. As you can see, a $1,000 investment in large-cap stocks in 1927 would be worth $3 million by 2015.

But now take a look at the second portfolio, shown in dark blue.

This is a portfolio of micro-cap stocks.

A $1,000 investment into these stocks in 1927 would be worth $20 million!

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FINALLY… Elon Musk's Secretive Supplier Revealed?

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Forget Tesla. It’s the company that’s been supplying this key piece of tech to Elon Musk that will shock everyone. 

This is all part of a $30 trillion megatrend.

And I’m not talking about blockchain, artificial intelligence, 5G, robotics, or the Internet of Things.

This trend is BIGGER than all of those things COMBINED!

And if Elon Musk mentions this company in a tweet, there’s no telling how high shares could go.

Click here and get all the details before it's too late.

Risk Reduction

And not only does an allocation to micro-caps increase your returns…

It alsoreduces your portfolio’s volatility and risk.

As a leading investment manager reported, “Based on a 25-year study… placing a portion of your equity allocation in micro-cap stocks actually increased portfolio returns while simultaneously reducing portfolio volatility. This is a powerful finding.”

Powerful, indeed!

But this outperformance doesn’t mean you should run out and invest your entire portfolio into micro-caps.

In fact, just a little bit can go a long way…

A Little Goes a Long Way

To get the benefits of micro-caps, you only need to move a tiny portion of your portfolio into them.

To show you what I mean, look at this chart. It shows how an allocation to micro-cap investments in just 5% increments can have a huge impact on your portfolio.

Portfolio table

As you can see, an allocation of just 5% can boost your annual returns by more than 6%. And allocating 10% can increase your returns by double digits.

That outperformance really adds up…

For example, if you have some time before you retire, allocating just a tiny amount of micro-caps to your portfolio could boost your overall returns by nearly 851%.

If you’re starting out with a $100,000 portfolio, that’s the difference between ending up with $600k… or ending up with a nest egg of $1.5 million!

Bottom line: Micro-caps can help you boost your returns by hundreds of percent…

And they can help you reduce your risk.

Given the recent market pullback, we can buy many of them on the cheap, too — which means we have even less risk, and even more profit potential.

And that’s why micro-caps represent my single favorite investment right now.

Ahead of the tape,

Lou Basenese

Lou Basenese
Editor and Founder, Trend Trader Daily

And now, an exclusive offer from our friends at Trend Trader Daily. Please note, Trend Trader Daily is not affiliated with Paradigm Press.

P.S. Before I go one last thing…

He hasn’t tweeted this out just yet…

But he’s been hinting at it again and again…

And any day now (as soon as October 1st if my research is correct)...

Elon Musk is going to send one new technology sky-high.

It’s called VLEO.

And it could change the face of the entire globe.

According to my research, VLEO could:

  • Connect over 3 billion people on the planet…
  • Slash your cable bill by up to 98% (and put giant, extortionate telecom behemoths like Verizon and Comcast out of business in the process!)…

That’s the date when I believe VLEO will hit a crucial tipping point. 

All thanks to Elon Musk himself.

To get all the details…

As well as a way to position yourself AHEAD of Elon’s big move…

Click here now »

Louis Basenese is a professional investor, and one of the country’s leading technology analysts.

He’s spent the past 20 years analyzing emerging technologies, and developing a proven methodology to consistently profit from them.

Lou began his investment career at Morgan Stanley, where he was eventually tasked with directing over $1.5 billion in capital.

Based on his proven track record as a financial analyst and investor, Lou became a television commentator on Fox Business and CNBC, and a market expert in the pages of The Wall Street Journal and Business Insider. But ultimately, Lou found he preferred helping Main Street investors like you.

By providing ordinary investors with extraordinary research, he discovered that he can help his readers change their financial futures, and change their lives for the better. And that explains why he recently launched Trend Trader Daily. 

With this new service, Lou can share his research with you on groundbreaking new technologies and emerging sectors — well before he shares this information with the general public on TV, the internet, or anywhere else.

So what's one of Lou's top recommendations for right now? Click here to see what he's recommending you do to profit in 2021 and beyond...

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