Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Credit cards could be bad for you… You've been warned... | 7 July

July 08, 2021

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Market Speculations

From time to time, we come across offers that you may find interesting:

Are you blindley handing your hard earned money to the Federal Reserve with a single swipe of a card?

This is important. This one action you do — daily — could affect your future. 

As clear as it may be, millions of Americans are completely oblivious to the "digital dollar"...

And how bad it could be for your retirement fund.

Now here's where it gets really interesting…

As soon as you start to understand and connect these "invisible" links...

You'll be a part of the small group of people who aren't affected by this scheme backed by The Clinton Foundation… The UN…The IMF… and The Federal Reserve...

And potentially make a small fortune for yourself from this obvious loophole.


See the evidence here.

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