Sunday, June 20, 2021

These Three Ticking Time Bombs Could Kill The "Recovery"

Wall Street Daily

These Three Ticking Time Bombs Could Kill The "Recovery"

Dear Reader,

James Rickards, who's served as a former advisor to the CIA and Pentagon... 

As well as a six-time national bestselling author... 

And as a former hedge fund manager and respected economist... 

Wants to give you a stark warning.

In short, says Jim, there are no fewer than three ticking time bombs that could derail Joe Biden's highly popular "rescue plan" for America.

Three bombs, in fact... 

That could not only trigger a renewed plunge for the U.S dollar... 

But could signal a looming stock market collapse... 

And, instead of delivering a post-pandemic "super boom," could mark the start of a brand new, multi-year post-covid Great Depression. 

I know, I know...

It's not the message the media wants you to hear.

It's not what Joe Biden wants you to believe.

But you need to hear it -- click here for more details.

Jim's evidence is that shocking. 

P.S. Jim reveals all three ticking financial time bombs at this link.

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