Sunday, February 28, 2021

ACWA e-news national edition

ACWA leads the development, identity, registration and recognition of the community work profession.
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ACWA update

We are pleased that the lifting of many of the COVID-19 restrictions in Victoria will now allow the return of our staff to the office. ACWA has been one of the fortunate organisations where staff have been able to effectively work from home. And though we have been able to keep in touch with each through videoconferencing it will be rather special to see our colleagues again face to face. No doubt, that after nearly a year away from our desks, the first job we will be doing is the dusting; after that however, we have some real planning to do for the remainder of the year.

One of our goals for this year is to complete the establishment of the Australian Community Workers Foundation and to that aim we have recently joined Philanthropy Australia. We have also applied to re-join the Australian Council of Social Service (ACOSS) a move which will allow us to engage more effectively in the public social issues that concern our own members.  

Of other interest this month is that the community services qualifications (Certificate III in Individual Support, Certificate IV in Ageing Support and Certificate IV in Disability Support ) under the remit of one of the Industry Reference Committees of which we are a member, are under review. Draft 1 of the reviewed qualifications are now open for public consultation. You can submit your feedback here.

Bite sized news

The Aged Care Voluntary Industry Code of Practice has launched with many major providers already pledging their commitment.

Parliament has passed a bill to merge the Federal Circuit Court and Family Court of Australia into a new single court structure despite strong opposition.

The NDIS Worker Screening Check is now live nationally (except for the NT where it starts on 1 July 2021).

The SA Government has accepted all recommendations made after a review into the Department of Child Protection's reporting practices and has promised to take action within 30 days.

Victoria has decriminalised public drunkeness. Under new legislation to come into effect in 2022, being drunk in a public place will be treated as a medical issue, not a criminal offence.

JobSeeker update and Senate Inquiry

The Federal Government has announced its intention to 'cut JobSeeker even further by removing the remaining $150 per fortnight Coronavirus Supplement on 31 March and replacing it with a permanent $50 per fortnight increase'. The JobSeeker payment will be raised by just $3.57 a day bringing it to $44 per day when supplementary payments cease at the end of March.

ACOSS, in its recent media release, reports that social service groups are once again experiencing more people coming for food parcels, are facing homelessness, and getting into debt because they are unable to make ends meet.

There is, however, an opportunity to get your voice heard in this matter, although the timeframe is short. On 25 February, the Senate referred the Social Services Legislation Amendment (Strengthening Income Support) Bill 2021 to the Senate Community Affairs Legislation Committee for inquiry and report. Submissions are sought by 5 March 2021.

Make a submission

Australia's human rights review

Every five years the UN Human Rights Council conducts a peer-review of each member's human rights record. The review of Australia's human rights record took place in late January. The Australian Human Rights Commission released its assessment of human rights across the country and other nations were able to respond with recommendations for improvements. Feedback focused on reducing inequality faced by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People and raising the age of criminal responsibility for children.

On the positive side, it was noted that Australia has made some significant improvements to human rights since the 2015 review including the legalisation of same sex marriage and the introduction of the NDIS.

Learn more about the review

In related news Queensland has released its first, and very extensive, annual report on the operation of its Human Rights Act 2019.

Read the report

Demand for NDIS services

Are you an NDIS provider or thinking of becoming one? Centro Assist have a new eBook that can be used to help evaluate locations that may be ideal to deliver services to. There is data for every state.

The eBook includes current NDIS service demand by postcode and areas predicted to have increased demand by 2023.

Download the eBook here

Practice resources


Trauma-informed service delivery

Blue Knot Foundation has released an updated and standalone version of its organisational guidelines designed to help providers deliver appropriate services to people who have experienced trauma.

Access the guidelines

A new information and support hub has also launched to help aged care workers support older people who have experienced trauma as well as address their own wellbeing at work. There is also a section for managers seeking to support staff.

Visit the hub

Reviewing youth AOD services

The Youth AOD Service Review Tool is available to help youth AOD agencies self-assess that their service or program is delivering youth friendly, accessible services, and to capture improvements over time.

Access the tool

Talking community mental health

The Collaborative and Responsive Engagement (CARE) Hub is a new online community specifically for people with an interest in community mental health practice. The Hub allows users to talk about mental health and wellbeing, and explore opportunities for collaboration including practice groups and scenario planning.

Visit the hub


Homelessness support training

The Council to Homeless Persons has launched its online learning hub for the Victorian Specialist Homelessness Sector (SHS). As well as self-paced learning, the Council is also hosting a series of live online sessions covering topics such as having difficult conversations, case management and supervision.

Access the training

Guide to family violence counselling

Aligning Practice is a new guide that provides counsellors with a consistent, evidence-based approach to family violence counselling in line with estabilshed codes of practice.

Read the guide

Supporting students with a refugee experience

Hints for Healing is new website which curates resources to support school counsellors and educators who play a vital role in the recovery, resettlement and development of learners with a refugee experience.

Visit the site
The stronger our community, the greater the impact of our work. Click here to become an ACWA member.

Research corner

2020 Mapping Social Cohesion Report
Source: Scanlon Foundation Research Institute

Read the report

Collaboration through the Covid-19 crisis: Lessons for systemic change
Source: Health Justice Australia

Read the report

Re-engaging Volunteers and COVID-19
Source: Volunteering Australia

Read the report

COVID-19: Rental housing and homelessness impacts - an initial analysis
Source: ACOSS and UNSW Sydney

Read the report

Everyone counts: Uncovering patterns of Newstart Allowance
Source: Brotherhood of St. Laurence

Read the report
Summary of interventions to prevent adverse childhood experiences and reduce their negative impact on children's mental health: An evidence based review.
Source: Murdoch Children's Research Institute

Read the report

Calls to action

Survey: Needs analysis for support directory

The Social Impact Collective is undertaking a needs analysis for a new services and support directory for practitioners and organisations that support clients in a human services capacity.

Take the survey

Survey: Family, parent and child mental health

Emerging Minds is conducting a national workforce survey to help best meet the needs of health and community services workers whose work involves family, parent and child mental health.

Take the survey

Consultation: Child and Youth Wellbeing Strategy (TAS)

All children and young people in Tasmania, as well as their parents, carers, and service providers, are invited help develop Tasmania's first whole of government Child and Youth Wellbeing Strategy.

Get involved

Consultation: AOD sector (ACT and QLD)

The ACT Government is seeking feedback as part of its inquiry into the alcohol, tobacco and other drug service sector and drug harm reduction efforts.

Get involved

The Queensland Mental Health Commission is leading work to consider reform to the alcohol and other drugs system (AOD) in Queensland.

Get involved

National conferences

Family & Relationship Services Australia National Conference 2021
7-10 June 2021, Adelaide SA

This 'not to be missed' event will feature highly acclaimed presenters with a focus on delivering the most effective services to children, families and young people.

Featured jobs

Community Services Job Match - online event

Community Services Job Match is hosting a virtual event to help you explore the increasing job vacancies in Rockhampton, Queensland. Hear directly from local employers looking to fill multiple vacancies including homecare facilitators, disability support workers, youth workers, and more!

Learn more and register

Child protection roles
Department of Health & Human Services

Child protection work is rewarding, fulfilling, challenging and demanding, with many opportunities from Case Support Work (CPP2) to Expert Practice (CPP6) roles. DHHS is looking for professionals who are confident and resilient. You must be empathetic and open to change when working collaboratively with families and other professionals.

Learn more and apply
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