Saturday, November 21, 2020

But isn't Israel dangerous?

Isn't it dangerous to go to Israel?
The question we are most often asked regarding Israel is "isn't it really dangerous to travel there, especially in the West Bank?"

Think about the nearest large city to where you live, or maybe you live in a big city. If you follow your local news channel, you know that there are robberies, burglaries, and even shootings and murders that happen on a weekly if not daily basis. 

In Israel, yes, there are terror attacks. Yes, there are people that have been killed by terrorists. I guarantee you, they are far less than what you hear about on international news or what you have imagined. Because Israel is so much in the international spotlight, every single incident that happens here gets blown way out of proportion and then circulated around the globe. 

The actual reality is that Israel is far safer than you think. Statistically, the most dangerous part about your trip to Israel is when you make the drive from your house to your closest airport to get on your flight. 

Why Volunteer?
Something else you may be wondering is "why volunteer in Israel when I could go on a tour?" 

Great question! 

First of all, tours are expensive. Really expensive. Secondly, they often have very rigid itineraries, spend most of their time on a tour bus, and rush you from place to place with hardly any time to take in the sites at each stop. The main thing you may come away from your tour with is a t-shirt that says "I ran where Jesus walked". 

When volunteering with HaYovel, our shortest trip is 2 weeks. Four days out of every week we spend volunteering on local Jewish farms, and two days we spend touring the biblical heartland.

If you ask many of our volunteers though, they'll tell you they'd rather spend all their time volunteering. That's because we work in places like Mt Gerizim (Mt of Blessing) where Jesus ministered to the Samaritan woman at the well. We harvest grapes in the hills of Shiloh, where the ancient site of the tabernacle is within site while you work. If you simply bend down while in the vineyards, you'll find pottery that is 3,000 years old and dates back to the times when the tabernacle was operating. 

Many times after working, the local Israeli farmer or a pioneer from the area will come out and tell their story. You'll be inspired by their stories and gain a personal connection to the land and people that you'd never get on a bus tour. 
Click Here to Browse Our trip Options
Many tours to Israel are wonderful, and can give you the trip of a lifetime in the Holy Land. 

If you want to go deeper however, and get a personal, up close connection to the land and people of Israel, sign up for a volunteer experience with HaYovel. 

My first trip to the Land of Israel and the experience of a lifetime. Knowing you are fulfilling prophecy by working the Vineyards in Samaria has been the most fulfilling event in my spiritual life since my salvation experience in 1970. ~ Paul from Oklahoma
It's said that after visiting Israel, you'll never be the same. And it's so true - the memories come alive going forward with new perspective and insight having stood in the place those biblical stories took place. But to join the Hayovel in blessing the Jewish farmers by actually physically expressing that love and support - it takes on a whole new meaning. 
~ Roger from Georgia
Check Out Volunteer Options
Thinking about Israel differently yet? Stay tuned for a new perspective on the Holy Land. 

If you're ready to experience Israel in a completely new way, check out our upcoming volunteer programs here. 

Copyright 2020 © HaYovel

P.O. Box 19, Greenville, MO 63944

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