Sunday, November 8, 2020

Brain Food No. 394


Welcome to Brain Food, a weekly newsletter full of timeless ideas to help you in life and business.


If you're trying to gain a rapid understanding of a new area, one of the most important things you can do is to identify common mistakes people make and avoid them. Here are some of the most predictable errors we tend to make when thinking about statistics.

Common Probability Errors to Avoid


Randall Stutman, the real life leadership whisper with some advice on priorities:

"A priority is something that's shifting all the time. It basically says, it's my focus right now. It's maybe my highest focus, never my day job, if it's truly a priority, because that's an ongoing commitment, but there's always something that I should have as a higher focus of my intention, my time, my energy, and that I'm more fully engaged on. What we have found is over and over again, that when you get people's priorities right on the short term, a lot of the longer term goals and issues take care of themselves."

— Source: Improving Performance

Venture capitalist Code Cubitt on the difference between A CEOs and B CEOs:

"An A CEO is an executive who sees change coming, six, nine, 12 months ahead of everybody else and has the ability to change course in the face of opposition from everybody else who is happy with the status quo."

— Source: What Makes a Visionary CEO

Neuroscientist, psychologist and author, Lisa Feldman Barrett defines emotion:

"The way I would define emotion is the way I would define thinking what is a thought or what is a belief, what is memory? Your brain is conjuring all of these events in exactly the same way. It's just using different information to make sense of what's going on in the immediate moment."

— Source: What Are Emotions?


"We are living through an innovation famine, not an innovation feast—particularly in areas other than digital ... We've not been developing enough vaccines; we've not been finding ways of developing vaccines faster; we've not been developing enough diagnostic devices. When you look at why not, you find that there is 17 to 20 months of delay to get a license to sell a new diagnostic device. This is enough to deter most entrepreneurs from even trying to go into that area. I hope one message people take is that, if we can do more innovation, we will not destroy the planet. It's quite the reverse. It's the safest way of saving the planet." — Matt Ridely speaking with Naval Ravikant

"If you're efficient, you're doing it the wrong way. The right way is the hard way. The show was successful because I micromanaged it—every word, every line, every take, every edit, every casting. That's my way of life." — Jerry Seinfeld on Making Something Great

"Genius requires giftedness (consisting essentially of some special aptitude or talent, such as mathematical, spatial, musical, or artistic talent). But obviously there are other antecedents that are elusive to us. Nonetheless, we do know of at least two key attributes, beyond ability, that appear to function as catalysts for the creation of that special class of behavioral products specifically indicative of genius. They are productivity and creativity." — Arthur Jensen on Giftedness and Genius


A lot of problems happen because of your internal state. When you're calm, happy, and fulfilled you don't pick fights, create drama, or keep score.

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We all have the same amount of time in a given week. What matters is how we us it.

If you find you're not as productive as you want to be, it's not time you're lacking, but focus.

If you find you're breathing but not living, it's not time you need, but love.

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Stay safe and I'll see you next week,

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