Thursday, October 15, 2020

Enough Is Enough: Why I Teach and Help Others

Penny Stock Millionaires

Enough Is Enough: Why I Teach and Help Others

  • There’s a big problem with penny stocks. I’ve got a solution...
  • Penny stocks don’t spike because they’re awesome companies. They go up because of informational inefficiencies...
  • What’s the REAL reason I help other traders?

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This information could be a true game-changer for millions of Americans.

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A former advisor to The Pentagon just dropped a BOMBSHELL.

In a brand-new video he released information that could dramatically affect everyday Americans financial standing over the next few months.

Due to the controversial nature of this video he’s asked us to remove the video from the web at midnight tomorrow night.

Click here now to see the video

Timothy SykesDear Penny Stock Millionaire,

The stock market is full of BS and fakes … enough is enough!

My goal as a teacher is to help my students understand the whack-a-mole of ridiculousness and speculation that is the stock market. Once you get it, you can potentially benefit from the many informational inefficiencies that can create crazy stock moves.

But I also want you to be better than the legions of zombie traders who can’t think for themselves and just follow alerts.

Alerts are imperfect at best — dangerous and fraudulent at worst. So it’s a much better idea to learn the market mechanics and develop your own strategy based on what you’ve learned.

Why do I teach? Because I want you to become a self-sufficient trader.

Why Do I Help People?

I get a lot of emails like this … people ask me, “Tim, why do you help people you don’t even know?”

Why would I help strangers? Why do I share every single trade? Why do I want other people to build their ‘knowledge account?’

Tim Sykes Tweet

Why don’t I just take my millions, go to a private island, and shut up?

It’s simple. There’s a big problem with penny stock trading, and I have a solution.

Enough is Enough: Helping Others Help Themselves

There are so many scammers out there … it makes my blood boil.

SO many so-called gurus claim to have the ultimate get-rich-quick strategy. Their promise? All you have to do is follow their alerts!

Bitcoin, forex, binary options … I’ve seen ‘em all.

It’s even gotten personal. Some scammers have even pretended to be me. They impersonate me on social media and try to rob people! That’s where I draw the line.

This is CRAZY. Enough is enough.

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The secrets in this book will make your landlord see red

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But all you’ll see is green when you discover how to earn monthly income from real estate without all the hassles of being a landlord.

Over a dozen “lazy” real estate secrets ready for you to take advantage of.

Click here to find out how to claim your copy.

Education is the Gateway

I may not be able to stop all the scammers or impersonators. But I can help people help themselves.

The most effective way to avoid scams and find consistency as a trader? Educate yourself.

I’m passionate about teaching. I want to inspire others.

But if you’re inspired by the laptop lifestyle that I live…

If you want to find financial freedom so you can be free to pursue what matters to you…

I have the knowledge and the team to help.

Tim Sykes Tweet

I’ve had to shift my strategy multiple times since my start in the market. We’ve transitioned from bull to bear market and back again in that time.

I survived the financial crisis of 2007–2008. This year, I adapted to the current market volatility … And I’ve had my best trading year ever, with over $850K in profits so far.

I’ve Been Burned

I recognize the many issues with trading penny stocks.

It makes me angry when scammers try to lure newbies into these sketchy companies.

I’m not perfect ... I’ve been burned, too. I was once devastated by a $500K loss.

The silver lining to that loss? Hopefully, I can teach my students how to avoid that kind of painful lesson.

There’s only so much abuse you can take from these scammers — enough is enough. I’m not going to make everyone rich, but I am going to teach them honestly.

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GOLD RALLY ALERT: The Only Gold Companies To Buy and Hold in 2020

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Before investors across the globe all jump on the gold train, now’s your chance…

We just unveiled our top 5 publicly traded gold companies. Some picks have extremely safe risk profiles… while others are still dirt-cheap lotto tickets that can easily 10x from here.

Nevertheless, we believe this portfolio underpins all of the life-changing gold investing opportunities ahead.

Click here to get our FREE picks, before it's too late.

How I’m Different

I’m not different because I’m the best trader out there. I’m not. I exit trades too soon and leave money on the table all the time. And I make mistakes — but I’m smart about cutting losses quickly.

What makes me different is that I’m transparent.

Because I’m honest, I tell my students things like they’ll have to work hard and learn the patterns I teach. I tell them that it takes years to find consistency.

For example, my top student Tim Grittani started with $1,500. Now, he’s made over $12 million.* Everyone loves that story. Nobody loves the part where he made nothing his first nine months of trading. But it’s real.

 People don’t want to work, so most newbies ignore me. But not all of them, and those who listen usually thank me later.

The ‘singles, not home runs’ approach isn’t as fun as the promise of getting rich quick. But it can potentially pay off over time. Just look at Grittani.

Living the Life...

These days, I donate all of my trading profits to charity. I only trade so that I can teach.

I’m already a millionaire. I don’t need more money. I prioritize my students.

Right now, I’m living my ideal life. I have financial freedom. I get to travel the world and make documentaries. I get to help people. And I get to indulge in all of my passions.

Enough is enough. I want to help you cut through the BS and make your goals a reality!

Are you willing to work hard? 

Talk to you tomorrow,

Tim Sykes
Editor, Penny Stock Millionaires

P.S. $674,000!

That's how much you'd have in your pocket right now if you started with just $10,000...

And followed all of my recommendations - winners AND losers - since I launched The War Room back in May 2019.

Here's the secret...

We're NOT doing what most investment experts recommend.

We're doing the opposite.

Until now, we've kept this secret inside our tight group...

But now, for a limited time, I'm willing to share it with 99 new readers.

If you want to see how I could help you make 67X your money this year, click here now.

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*Results may not be typical and may vary from person to person. Making money trading stocks takes time, dedication, and hard work. There are inherent risks involved with investing in the stock market, including the loss of your investment. Past performance in the market is not indicative of future results. Any investment is at your own risk. See Terms of Service here.

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Paradigm Press© 2020 Paradigm Press, LLC. 808 Saint Paul Street, Baltimore MD 21202. Although our employees may answer your general customer service questions, they are not licensed under securities laws to address your particular investment situation. No communication by our employees to you should be deemed as personalized financial advice.

We expressly forbid our writers from having a financial interest in any security they personally recommend to our readers. All of our employees and agents must wait 24 hours after on-line publication or 72 hours after the mailing of a printed-only publication prior to following an initial recommendation. Any investments recommended in this letter should be made only after consulting with your investment advisor and only after reviewing the prospectus or financial statements of the company.

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