Saturday, September 12, 2020

Who Is the Best Penny Stock Investor?

Penny Stock Millionaires

Who Is the Best Penny Stock Investor?

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Timothy SykesDear Penny Stock Millionaire,

I’ve made nearly $5.8 million trading penny stocks.* Does that make me the best penny stock investor in the world?

No. A thousand times, NO.

It’s not because I haven’t done well in this niche. It’s because the very idea of ‘investing’ in penny stocks is flawed.

If you ask me, there’s no such thing as a ‘successful’ or ‘best’ penny stock investor. Because most penny stocks are doomed to fail ... People who choose to invest in them usually fail, too.

In simple terms ... Only losers invest in losers! There are no ‘best penny stock investors’ because it’s not a thing.

I don’t invest in penny stocks — I trade penny stocks. That might not sound like a big difference to newbies, but it’s actually huge. It’s a totally different approach.

I don’t teach my students to invest, either. I teach them how to trade penny stocks.

My top students all have their own unique trading techniques, but they also have a few things in common…

None of them are penny stock investors. They’re traders who have taken the time to learn this niche and develop a repeatable and scalable strategy for short-term trading.

Wanna get into the right mindset for trading penny stocks?

It starts with forgetting everything you know about traditional investing and educating yourself about how this specific niche works.

Penny Stocks: A No-Invest Zone

Who is the ‘Warren Buffett of penny stocks?’ Who’s the best penny stock investor?

That’s a trick question. There’s no equivalent.

I don’t mean to imply that there aren’t wildly successful penny stock traders. There are some truly impressive success stories out there.

Consider my top student, Tim Grittani. He’s made over $12 million trading penny stocks ... after starting with a $1,500 account.

He didn’t get rich by finding ‘the next Google’ while it was still an infant penny stock, though.

He studied hard and took the time to learn how penny stocks work. He logged every trade in a trading journal and analyzed his results to find out what was actually making him money.

He refined his techniques, zeroed in on what was working, and scaled up over time.

Now, he’s using the same basic trading techniques he used when his account was small, but his positions are much bigger.

Slow but steady can eventually lead to exponential growth. Small gains add up over time.

Tim Sykes Tweet

He also understood that most penny stocks are junk companies, so he wasn’t holding positions for weeks or months.

Value Investing vs. Trading

There’s a reason why there’s no best penny stock investor.

A lot of people like to make comparisons to Buffett since he’s largely viewed as one of the all-time greats in the investing world.

He became a billionaire through intelligent investing. He finds promising companies and puts money into them … He focuses on making the best investments possible. When they go up in value, he benefits.

According to “Forbes,” he’s worth over $80 billion.

Some people ask if I’m at this level in the world of penny stocks. It’s flattering that people would think that, but sorry … no.

My approach is nothing like Buffett’s, so there’s no comparison. The way that we work in the stock market is like night and day.

Though interestingly enough, I do have something in common with him that has nothing to do with trading…

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110 Pages Reveal Biden's Left-Wing Secret

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You may not want to listen to what this government insider says right here about the 2020 election.

But if what he predicts could happen in November turns out to be true…

Then millions of American families could see their lives change as they know it.

Click here for this former government insider’s take and how you can protect yourself and your family.

Click Here to Learn More

Wealth and Personal Development

Did you know that Buffett promised to donate 99% of his wealth to charitable organizations?

It’s part of The Giving Pledge, a program he started with his fellow billionaire Bill Gates. They’re asking other billionaires to give back, too.

I’m no billionaire, but I’m committed to giving back.

I’m honored to have a wide reach on Twitter and Instagram ... That brings power. I try to do as much good as I can with this influence.

 I actually donate all of my trading profits to charity. There are SO many worthy causes...

For instance, I’m proud to say that thanks to combined efforts between fundraising, Karmagawa, and my trading proceeds, I was able to be part of a $1 million donation to the people of Yemen ... read about it in this recent New York Post article.

I’m not stopping there. We’ve had fundraisers to help the people of Lebanon after the terrible explosion that recently killed hundreds and hurt thousands…

I donated money to help provide assistance to the oil spill crisis in Mauritius. I started a fundraiser for that, too … We need to protect our planet. If we don’t, eventually we won’t have a world to live in comfortably, much less trade!

I’m nowhere near Buffett’s level of charitable donations, but I’m dedicated to helping make the world a better place through my contributions.

My priorities have shifted during my time in the stock market. Things that used to matter to me like fancy cars don’t matter anymore. Now, I’m motivated by giving back. And I don’t have to be ‘the best penny stock investor’ to make that happen.

Instead, here’s what I know about some of the most hated stocks in the world...

Penny Stocks: Don’t Believe the Hype

I get it. Everyone wants to be a millionaire. I want to help you make your goals a reality, but believing in penny stocks isn’t the way.

Actually, believing in penny stocks could be your downfall.

Most penny stocks will fail.

Some will fail because they’re small companies. Sad but true: that’s just what happens to a lot of small companies.

But many of them are super shady. You can’t trust most of these companies. If anyone tells you that this stock is going “to the moon,” run away fast. That’s probably a promoter who’s being paid to pump the stock.

It makes my blood boil that promoters do this to newbies who don’t know better.

Sure, there are a few penny stocks with success stories. Once in a blue moon, a penny stock succeeds in a big way. But they usually crash and burn.

Don’t be the idiot left holding the bag. Don’t invest in these companies.

I need new traders to know about these promoters and their schemes. So I want to expose these creeps. This is a huge part of why I teach!

Investing in My Students

If I don’t actually invest in these penny stock companies ... what do I invest in?

My students.

I focus on trading with a small account, giving commentary, sending watchlists and alerts. That means I’m not set up to prioritize my personal trading.

Instead, I’m prioritizing educating my students and helping them understand this niche.

For example, recently I saw Arbutus Biopharma Corporation (NASDAQ: ABUS) pop up on StocksToTrade’s Breaking News chat when it was in the mid-$3s.

ABUS chart with the spike I alerted — courtesy of

I didn’t have to alert it. I could have traded it and put my own trading and potential profits first.

Instead, I took the time to alert the news, even though it meant I didn’t have the time to make the trade. But it was a key teaching lesson for my students.

As you can see since I post every trade publicly on, I’m not right all the time. That’s why I don’t want students to trade based on my alerts ... I want them to use my alerts to learn the process so they can make their own trading decisions.

It’s something my top students know well and why they’re not at all concerned with being the ‘best penny stock investors.’

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Crash-Prone Stocks Hiding in your Portfolio

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Recent research by America’s #1 independent ratings agency shows that 7 out of 10 stocks are in grave danger. Investors holding on to vulnerable companies are setting themselves up for the kill. But they can avoid disaster by getting their hands on this “endangered list.”

Go here to see if your stocks are on the list.

Think Differently About Penny Stocks

I don’t want to be the best penny stock investor. I’m a trader. And I don’t even prioritize my own trading ... Yet I’m still a millionaire.

So I want to show you that you don’t need to aspire to be a great investor of penny stocks.

You need to be who you are and develop a strategy that works for you. That’s gonna take time, effort, and a lot of hard work.

Take what the market gives you by being prepared.

Learn the setups, the patterns that matter, and what to look for.

Can you learn to react rather than anticipate? Think about how you can shift your mindset about penny stocks so that you’re trading, not investing.

What’s your mindset about penny stocks? 

Tim Sykes
Editor, Penny Stock Millionaires

P.S. Grab a piece of paper and pen to write this down…

Because you’re about to see the name and ticker symbol of one of the ONLY 5G stocks

Trump personally ever owned.

We found it inside this official 2016 financial disclosure document 

Click here to learn more

President Trump had to sell his stocks when he became president.

But you can get the name and ticker of this company right here, no strings attached.

You better act fast…

That’s because the Federal Communications Commission, the government agency in charge of 5G, just scheduled a major announcement for September 30th.

It could light a fire under certain 5G stocks.

After that, it may be too late for anyone to grab truly life changing profits.

Click here to see all the details.

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*Results may not be typical and may vary from person to person. Making money trading stocks takes time, dedication, and hard work. There are inherent risks involved with investing in the stock market, including the loss of your investment. Past performance in the market is not indicative of future results. Any investment is at your own risk. See Terms of Service here.

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Paradigm Press© 2020 Paradigm Press, LLC. 808 Saint Paul Street, Baltimore MD 21202. Although our employees may answer your general customer service questions, they are not licensed under securities laws to address your particular investment situation. No communication by our employees to you should be deemed as personalized financial advice.

We expressly forbid our writers from having a financial interest in any security they personally recommend to our readers. All of our employees and agents must wait 24 hours after on-line publication or 72 hours after the mailing of a printed-only publication prior to following an initial recommendation. Any investments recommended in this letter should be made only after consulting with your investment advisor and only after reviewing the prospectus or financial statements of the company.

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