Friday, September 11, 2020

Secrets to Get Your Investments Over the Top

Penny Stock Millionaires

Secrets to Get Your Investments Over the Top

  • The best resource you can have as a trader...
  • Can what you’re eating impact your trading?...
  • My scale for fear and greed...

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Only Suckers Trade After 10 AM!

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Former Goldman Sachs Managing Director, Nomi Prins knows something many traders don't.

There’s an anomaly in the market that’s made a small group of people a ton of cash. 

Money made the very same day in amounts like $5,500… $11,500… and $17,750. 

And once you discover the secret… you could join them.

Click here to discover what happens at 10am.

Timothy SykesDear Penny Stock Millionaire,

When it comes to investing for beginners, my number-one tip is to protect yourself. That’s the name of the game if you want to win more than you lose.

So many new investors make bad trades, trade too often, and fail to learn the basics of investing. I feel bad for them. It’s important to be well read and research a variety of strategies by experts. You’re making a good call just by reading this.

There’s so much misinformation and outright lies on the internet, that when I find people who are new to penny stock trading, and willing to put in the work to find legitimate information, I get excited.

If that’s you, congratulations! Kudos for cutting through the bullshit and trusting yourself enough to go after generational wealth with a trading strategy that promises real profit potential.

I’ve been trading penny stocks for decades, and in that time, I’ve learned quite a few things. The tips I’m sharing with you now are ones that I’ve paid dearly for — both in terms of time spent going down the wrong path and money lost on bad trades.

Here are some of my best tips on investing for beginners.

#1 Take off Your Rose-Colored Glasses

Penny stock promoters are quick to sell you big stories about companies that are poised to blow up and change the world with their products.

The only problem? They’re full of shit.

If penny stock companies were legit companies, they wouldn’t be penny stocks. They’d be traded on the NYSE or the AMEX, where companies actually meet SEC filing requirements.

In my experience, 99 percent of penny stock companies will ultimately fail, and the odds that you’ll catch the 1 percent that do grow in the long run are pretty slim.

So, stop believing everything you hear, and recognize the realities of penny stock trading. These companies may all be doomed to fail, but that doesn’t mean you can’t use them to profit.

#2 Adjust Your Profit Expectations

Another big piece of hype you’ll hear from penny stock promoters has to do with how quickly your money can grow. Yes, it’s possible that a penny stock will go from $1 a share to $10, and it’s possible that you’ll double — even triple — your money on a single play.

But do you know how much I try to make with each trade? Just $0.50–$0.75 a share.

Sure, I’m happy if I make a bit more, but keeping my trades small — getting in and out when I know the numbers are right — helps protect me from risking disaster and major losses that far too many traders endure.

If you’re constantly chasing big wins, you’ll force trades that aren’t really there. And it’s these kinds of mistakes that’ll take you out of the game before you even have a chance.

#3 Respect Risk

Part of the reason I keep my profits — and my losses — small is that I respect risk.

I mentioned above that most penny stock companies aren’t worth the paper their stock certificates are printed on. Penny stocks are thinly traded, and they can be hugely volatile. Both of these factors mean that things can change quickly.

A stock that you think is on its way up can tank in a few minutes. A stock that you think is a surefire short sell can reverse course in the blink of an eye.

A big driver in the risk of penny stock trading is the simple fact that most of these companies don’t meet SEC filing requirements, and the people who trade them aren’t legitimate Wall Streeters, so they manipulate stocks when they want to. That’s why they’re traded on the pink sheets and the OTCBB. Believe me, they’d be on more prestigious exchanges if they could.

The bottom line is that you just don’t know what you’re dealing with when it comes to penny stocks. That press release you saw about a company’s new technology could be legit — or it could be a complete lie dreamed up by a promoter who’s been hired to pump and dump the stock.

You can’t fight this risk. But you can respect it.

Make sure you’ve never committed too much of your portfolio to a single play (the percentage amount is different for everyone; whatever makes you comfortable, and not a penny more), and that the position you take isn’t large enough to affect the stock’s price action. And always watch for good liquidity — ideally, at least a few hundred thousand shares traded daily as reasonable trading volume is the only way you can be reasonably sure you’ll be able to get in and get out when you need or want to.

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Jeff Bezos' "Weird" Stock Investment is Set to Explode

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The world's richest man, Jeff Bezos (The Owner of Amazon), has made an entirely new investment into a tiny $6 company.

A $151 million investment… because…

One tiny company out of a laboratory in Brisbane, California is perfecting a new secret technology…

To end the biggest killer in human history.

The world’s most elite investors are all in on this tiny $6 stock…

And you can get more information by clicking right here.

#4 Keep a Trading Journal

As a beginning trader, one of the best things you can do for yourself is to set up a trading journal that covers what moves you made, what size positions you took, and whether you had a profit or loss on the trade. That diary will teach you so much about trading and about yourself that it’s an invaluable resource for you to utilize if you want to become a consistently profitable trader.

The best traders out there are methodical. They don’t make plays on a whim; instead, they carefully consider their past actions and use these experiences to make their future trades even better.

Information about your past trades can be incredibly useful when it comes to improving your skills as a penny stock trader. But if you want to take advantage of it, you’ve got to track it from the start.

You can use a pen and paper for this, or you can use a program like

Either way, commit to keeping and updating your trading journal every time you make a move.

#5 Take Care of Yourself

Confession time: For the past few years, I’ve been so wrapped up in trading and teaching that I’ve put on some weight. Well... not just some — I’m up 50 pounds because I’ve prioritized helping others over my own health.

Don’t be like me!

You truly have nothing else in this world if you don’t have your health. So, I know you want to stay up all night watching my free videos or reading my best-selling book.

And when you’re watching stock charts all day and researching all night, it’s hard to remember to get up, cook a healthy meal, and get some exercise.

But, you guys, it’s so important. You’ll be a better trader if you’re healthy, and if you take care of yourself, you’ll be able to stick around longer.

Ditch the bad habits now. Don’t wait to make your health a priority — focus on it now when you’re just getting started as a trader so that it’s there to support you throughout your career.

#6 Give Back to Your Community

I wish it hadn’t taken me so long to get into charity work.

In 2015, I had the opportunity to help Make-A-Wish of Southern Florida get a child named Ewan the technology he needed to communicate with his family for the first time. It was incredible to witness. 

I’ve had some amazing experiences in my life. I’ve traveled to more than 100 countries, bought my dream car, and worked from some of the most beautiful tropical beaches in the world.

But I’ve never done anything as cool as this.

Right now, I’m focused on building schools in third-world countries so that children there can get the education they need to succeed in life. In fact, since the founding of the Timothy Sykes Foundation, 40 schools have gone up.

Believe it or not, charitable giving makes me a more effective trader. It provides me with the motivation to go after plays that could turn into food, water, or education for people who don’t have access to it already.

I think that we, as traders, have a tendency to get caught up in our own hype. We bury ourselves in stock charts, brag about how much we’ve made on past trades, and subject our friends and family members to endless stories about our profits.

That’s just not what life is about, though. Let me tell you: Having the chance to take some of my hard-earned money and use it to make such a big difference in others’ lives is the best feeling I’ve ever had.

I highly encourage you to take time off of trading to give time or money to the causes you believe in. There’s really nothing like it.

#7 Investment Education for Beginners

I used to be cocky when I was younger, and I walked around acting like I knew everything there was to know about penny stock trading.

Sure, I’ve learned a lot in my 20-plus years, but do I know everything about stock trading? Of course not!

That’s why I make education such a huge priority, and why I recommend that you do, too. Find the people who have achieved what you want to get out of your life and learn everything you can from them so that you can become a stronger, better-informed trader.

Only 5–10 percent of traders out there are consistently profitable. Ignore what non-transparent traders say in far too many chat rooms, message boards, and “trader social networks.”

99 percent of traders will tell you they are making money — especially if they’re trying to sell you something.

Don’t believe it until you see it.

Read and watch everything you can get your hands on. Pay attention to people who publicly display their trades and admit to their failures. 

Many of the so-called gurus out there can talk for hours about their amazing plays and huge profits. They don’t prove it, though, and I don’t recommend trusting them.

However, it’s hard to learn on your own. I did it, but I want to help people avoid the problems and failures I encountered along the way

Remember, it’s not about becoming a millionaire or getting rich. It’s about achieving your specific dreams.

Maybe you want to be financially secure without the nine-to-five job, and you have modest tastes. In that case, a five- or six-figure income from trading would suit you fine..

#8 Think Long Term

When you decide to start investing, don’t think about the rent that’s due in two weeks, the vacation you want to take next month, or even the goal to start your own business in a year. Instead, focus on long-term strategies that allow you to build your wealth slowly and safely.

I don’t like risk. It’s unnecessary, especially in investing for beginners, because you don’t need to put up a bunch of money for a single play. Instead, acclimate yourself to investing so you don’t make as many mistakes and you start to get a feel for what works and what doesn’t.

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Most Accurate Tech Investor Makes New #1 Pick…

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Jeff Brown is arguably America’s No. 1 most accurate technology investor.

In 2015, he singled out Bitcoin before it shot up almost 100x…

He also recommended the No. 1 tech investments of 2016, 2018, and 2019…

And—this year—he’s already picked two of the three top-performing stocks!

Recently, Mr. Brown sat down with Chris Hurt to discuss the state of the stock market…

And discuss his new No. 1 pick.

As you’ll see, it’s in an industry that billionaires like Jeff Bezos and Warren Buffett are flocking to…

(In fact, Buffett recently dumped $800 million of Apple stock to invest in this!)

It’s also set to grow an astonishing 5,900%.

If you have any interest in tech stocks, you can’t miss this special interview. And the new report Jeff Brown put together.

Click HERE for Full Details…

#9 Only Invest What You Can Afford

Speaking of rent, if you can’t meet your current basic needs, don’t deposit any money in an investment account. Concentrate on growing your savings, and then consider investing in the stock market or other securities.

I like my lifestyle too much to put it in jeopardy. If I only had $30,000 in the bank, I wouldn’t deposit it all in an online brokerage account and put it onto a single stock. That would likely result in disaster.

Start small with what you can afford and build your wealth up over time.

#10 Do Your Own Research

I provide a ton of tips and guidance for my students, blog readers, and other followers. However, I don’t expect you to copy me trade-for-trade. In fact, that’s a losing strategy. 

Instead, do your own research and figure out what stocks entice you the most. Learn stock market terms, research online brokers, and otherwise familiarize yourself with the industry. That’s the only way you’ll build a successful investing career.

#11 Be Fearful When Others are Greedy

When people start raving about a particular strategy or stock, I back away. It’s a surefire sign that those people will influence the price action and put my own trade in jeopardy.

#12 Be Greedy When Others are Fearful

I’m looking for sneak attacks, and so should you. When learning investing for beginners, err on the side of too cautious.

However, if you see a potential play that you’ve researched, and others haven’t noticed, jump on it. Take a large position and see how the stock performs.

#13 Diversify Your Portfolio

I have several investment accounts, including a long-term investment portfolio, and I’m passionate about diversity. Without a diverse portfolio, you put too much of your total wealth at risk.

The Bottom Line

There are a lot of factors to keep in mind when you trade, which is why I’m so damn serious about doing your research. Reading these emails is a great place to start.

My goal is to give the tools that you need to become a better trader. I want to equip you with knowledge, and give you resources for places to go get more information. I hope that you use my experience, my mistakes, and my advice to help you keep improving. 

Never stop learning.

Talk to you tomorrow,

Tim Sykes
Editor, Penny Stock Millionaires

P.S. Only have a few thousands saved? No problem… this book can help.

Click here to learn moreI went from about $12,000 to $4.8 MILLION over two decades before turning 37 by using this strategy…

And I want you to join my thousands of followers that are learning how to also.

So I started a different venture and is now offering NOT ONLY this book, but a YEAR of instant access to my stock trading wisdom… FOR ONLY $20.

Click here now to see this dirt cheap offer.

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*Results may not be typical and may vary from person to person. Making money trading stocks takes time, dedication, and hard work. There are inherent risks involved with investing in the stock market, including the loss of your investment. Past performance in the market is not indicative of future results. Any investment is at your own risk. See Terms of Service here.

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Paradigm Press© 2020 Paradigm Press, LLC. 808 Saint Paul Street, Baltimore MD 21202. Although our employees may answer your general customer service questions, they are not licensed under securities laws to address your particular investment situation. No communication by our employees to you should be deemed as personalized financial advice.

We expressly forbid our writers from having a financial interest in any security they personally recommend to our readers. All of our employees and agents must wait 24 hours after on-line publication or 72 hours after the mailing of a printed-only publication prior to following an initial recommendation. Any investments recommended in this letter should be made only after consulting with your investment advisor and only after reviewing the prospectus or financial statements of the company.

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