Dear Reader, See this location? This could be ground zero for a potential AI catastrophe. Or... It could be the birthplace of an investment revolution that could add as much as $40 trillion to the global economy. Some of the richest people on the planet – including Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, and Warren Buffett – are investing billions of dollars to make sure we avert disaster. Fourteen of Wall Street's biggest banks... at least 50 hedge funds... and politicians on both sides of the aisle are already lining up to back the "antidote" to this AI crisis. In fact, we've tracked down no fewer than 48 different bills that are making their way through Congress, that could earmark billions of dollars for this technology. If you've got the least bit of exposure to AI stocks (which you almost certainly do), you need to watch this presentation immediately. It's completely free... And it's going to show you exactly what this emerging AI crisis is... why so many billionaires are investing a fortune to prevent it... And most importantly, how you could get a stake in the solution. I've already identified at least five companies that could soak up a sizeable gain, as this multi-year project gets underway. You'll find out more when you click this link. Regards, Whitney Tilson Senior Analyst, Stansberry Research |
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