Saturday, July 27, 2024

Want to target extra income every week?

Conservative Investing News

Dear reader,

I want to encourage you to watch this briefing I just recorded.

Especially if any of these things are true of you:

  • You're struggling to keep up with the constant rising costs of inflation

  • You want to target some extra money each week to put away for a rainy day

  • You'd like to plan a vacation and need some extra cash to do it

  • You have trouble predicting where the market will head next (this is a BIG one right now!)

  • You're interested in a straightforward two-step trade that targets income every single week

If that sounds like a list that applies to just about everybody, well, that's exactly why I want you to learn the "Tuesday Bear Trap" this very week! 

>> Discover the Tuesday Bear Trap HERE

There's no better strategy you can learn for these markets!

Trade well,

Jack Carter

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From 1/1/21 through 4/17/24 the average return per options trade (winners and losers) is 3.2% in 3 days, with a 97.0% win rate. Annualized the return on options is 166% per year. We cannot guarantee any specific future results, as there is always high degree of risk involved in trading. See our Terms on the DTI homepage for more information.

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