Thursday, July 4, 2024

Real independence

I want to wish you and your family a safe and happy Independence Day. I don't know if you saw my presentation last week, but there was something really important I talked about toward the very end – and I want to make sure you didn't miss it. I'm a proud American.

Dear Reader,

Marc Chaikin, here...

I want to wish you and your family a safe and happy Independence Day.

I don't know if you saw my presentation last week, but there was something really important I talked about toward the very end – and I want to make sure you didn't miss it.

I'm a proud American.

I grew up middle-class in Brooklyn in the post-war boom – a setting that's pretty much the epitome of what people mean when they talk about the "American Dream."

As a kid, the families I saw flourished...

The ones that had the nicest cars... or took the nicest vacations...

They always had one thing in common.

Didn't matter if they were immigrants or U.S.-born... Republican or Democrat... Christian or Jewish...

They were the entrepreneurs.

The dads who owned businesses. Not the ones that worked for someone else.

(Least of all for the government, like my dad.)

If it's not obvious what this means for you as an investor... it's probably the No. 1 most important thing I can possibly show you.

It doesn't matter one bit whether you were or are a business owner in your career...

There are a lot of ways to build a rich and fulfilling life.

And many of my firm's readers are retired folks anyway.

I'm talking about the outsized wealth you can see simply by understanding how to be an "entrepreneur" even as a passive (stock) investor in the markets.

By understanding that small businesses – the lifeblood of the American economy – are the most overlooked... least understood... and can be (by far) the highest-upside place you can possibly put your money.

That's not just my opinion. History shows it.

(You can see extensive proof here.)

But most folks never do it.

Meaning, they miss out on the biggest potential gains... while "following the crowd" into stocks like the Magnificent Seven...

Which is the market equivalent of "working for the man" for decades as an anonymous "nobody."

Besides being potentially dangerous today – it's also not where your money's treated best.

Investing in smaller companies can be so much more lucrative.

I detail dozens of examples – along with a system to make this approach extremely straightforward and minimize risk – here.

It also happens to be patriotic... and much more fun.

I think many people forget that when you invest in a company, they're quite literally using that money to grow... fulfill their vision... and make the world better.

Given what I saw growing up, I always knew I wanted to be a business owner myself.

And that's exactly what I did.

(I took just one, disastrous job on Wall Street in my early 20s. And I tell the eye-opening story of what I learned – from the inside – just a few minutes into this presentation.)

I know from 50 years of experience what growing a small business looks and feels like...

What the pitfalls are along the way...

And how to read the data and signals to separate the truly profitable businesses (with the opportunity to scale 10-fold fairly quickly)...

From the overhyped "stories" with little hope of going anywhere.

That's the focus of the new research I stepped forward to share last week.

Which, I've said repeatedly, is the best and most important work I'll likely ever create.

It's personally dear to me for so many reasons...

A seed that spent 50 years in the incubator of my own life experience.

I believe this new work could result in the biggest (and quite possibly fastest) recommended gains of anything I've ever done.

And it would mean the world to me for you to see it.

One more thing...

If you've followed my work at all, you may have noticed that I almost never say a word about politics.

Even my big (and so far dead-on) election cycle forecast has everything to do with patterns in the markets around elections...

And nothing to do with caring about who actually wins.

I stay away from politics because it's a distraction from my real mission:

To empower you to be financially independent... free to live the life and retirement you want...

Without relying on Wall Street... or any political party or figure.

That's real independence.

And I know I can show it to you... no matter what you've done in the past.

It's the honor of my life to speak to nearly 900,000 ordinary folks like you in my market update e-mails each day.

If you've gotten some value out of my work up to this point, I'm telling you – this is the best and most exciting work I've ever done.

I truly hope you won't miss it.

Again, I wish you and your loved ones a safe and joyful holiday.

Yours truly,

Marc Chaikin
Founder, Chaikin Analytics

P.S. Tonight, I'll be watching the fireworks with friends and family from around our fire pit at my home in Connecticut.

We have a spectacular elevated view and can actually see fireworks from three different nearby towns.

I hope you'll enjoy something similarly wonderful with your loved ones.

Please, set the phone and computer aside.

But if you're reading this earlier in the day – or after the festivities are over – I want to stress...

I'm 100% sure that a few minutes of your time, right now, could make all the difference to your financial results not just this year but likely over the next five years or more.

It's that big an opportunity. I don't say that lightly.

And in the coming days...

The special opportunity to access this new work is going to be taken offline forever.


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