Thursday, July 18, 2024

NOW AIRING: The New "Smart Money" AI Trade

The stock market recently hit fresh all-time highs... But look below the surface and you'll find that not everything is as it seems.

Dear Reader,

The stock market recently hit fresh all-time highs...

But look below the surface and you'll find that not everything is as it seems.

The stocks driving this rally aren't the big-cap tech firms (like Nvidia) – it's a completely different group of stocks.

It's exactly what I've been predicting for months now...

And my good friend Joel Litman agrees.

We both believe this is just the beginning of a much bigger shift that's about to play out – with dramatic consequences for everyone.

But Joel's taking it a step further today...

Put simply, Joel says a new group of AI stocks is about to take off.

In the process, he predicts many mega-cap players could fall (Nvidia already dropped about 6% yesterday... and a total of $500 billion went up in smoke).

Not only that, history suggests many folks could end up holding all the wrong stocks and losing trillions of dollars.

Joel is so concerned he just cut short his family reunion in Chicago to host an emergency market update.

It's airing right now – I recommend you join him immediately.

If Joel's right, an imminent announcement out of Silicon Valley could see huge sums of money change hands in the stock market.

Joel's predicting huge returns...

And history suggests some stocks could rise 1,000% or more, in less than a year.

Which stocks, exactly?

Click this link and find out from Joel right away.


Marc Chaikin
Founder, Chaikin Analytics


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