Friday, May 24, 2024

Gold's Final Bull Market

We are fortunate at Stansberry Research to have access to some of the investing world's greatest minds. And recently, I had dinner in Baltimore, MD, with the owner of a well-known gold company.

Gold's Final Bull Market

We are fortunate at Stansberry Research to have access to some of the investing world's greatest minds.

And recently, I had dinner in Baltimore, MD, with the owner of a well-known gold company.

I expected him to be excited... animated even.

After all, gold has been continuing to smash through all-time highs.

And yet, he was surprisingly unemotional:

"This is the quietest gold market I've ever seen," he said, knife and fork in hand.

I asked him what he meant...

I knew gold has been beating the S&P 500 and even the Nasdaq for over two years now.

Surely, regular investors were starting to understand and pile in.

Or so I thought...

Not the case, he said. So far, this gold bull market is reserved for insiders only, like central bankers and billionaires.

He went on:

"If anything, regular American investors are actually SELLING GOLD to pay off credit card debt."

How bizarre, I thought.

However, he finished by saying:

"The regular investor is coming. And when they arrive, it will be a LOT of fun for anyone exposed to gold."

And with that, he calmly went on eating.

But the tide is beginning to shift...

It now looks like the "quiet" part of this gold bull run could be coming to an end...

And the panic-buying mania phase is just about to begin...

As soon as June 11 – just days from now.

That's what my colleague Brett Eversole – an analyst with over 157 winning stock picks under his belt – believes. The same goes for John Doody. He's worth over $20 million, largely thanks to investing in gold.

We asked them both to go on camera today to explain to our readers exactly what's going on...

Why they see gains as high as 500% or more in the coming months...

And exactly how to prepare before June 11.

Click here to tune into today's emergency gold briefing.


Kelly Brown
Managing Director, Stansberry Research

P.S. Brett and John were even kind enough to reveal the name and ticker of one of their favorite gold stocks, on the house.

Get their free gold recommendation here.


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