Friday, May 31, 2024

Discover How Congress Beat the Market in 2023

Learn all about it here.
Dear reader,

In 2023, the S&P 500 produced a remarkable 24% return…

But as high as the S&P 500 was, a third of the members of Congress still managed to beat it.

Like Brian Higgins, who had a 238% return in 2023…

Or Mark Green, who had a 122% return…

Or even Nancy Pelosi, who ended the year with a 65% return.

How did these members of Congress beat the market by such wide margins?

Well, your guess is as good as mine…

But one thing I do know is, any smart investor who followed their trades would’ve had a solid trading year in 2024…

The problem is, most folks don’t know how to see the trades that politicians and other well-connected individuals are making…

But I do…

And I put together a presentation showing you exactly how.

Click here to watch it.
Talk soon,

Alex Reid
Founder, Wealthpin 

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