Thursday, May 16, 2024

Crypto Pioneer Says: “The last crypto bull market has begun.”

Dear Reader,

Hi, I’m Charlie Shrem.

I was one of the original Bitcoin millionaires.

I’ve been called a “crypto visionary.”

I was featured on the cover of Forbes and Bloomberg Businessweek.

I was even interviewed on 60 Minutes and gave my own Ted Talk.

I’ve devoted my life to cryptocurrencies…

And I’m worth over $40 million, thanks mostly to my crypto investments.

That’s why I’m writing you today.

I want to warn you…

This could be the last chance to build incredible wealth for yourself and your family…

For a very long time.

If you’re over a certain age, it could be the LAST time.

I’m talking about making more money over the next 6-12 months than most people make over an entire lifetime.

There’s a lot of talk that Bitcoin and other cryptos are in a bubble. Prices have spiked quickly.

But nothing could be further from the truth.

In fact, I think this bull market is just getting started.

Consider this:

The market cap for the entire cryptocurrency universe is around $2 trillion.

That’s roughly the same as Nvidia.

And that’s just one company.

Apple, Microsoft, Google, and Nvidia combined have a $9.5 trillion market cap.

Six times more than the entire crypto market.

In four tech stocks.

Bull markets don’t end with so few people invested.

Right now, there’s over $6 trillion in potential investment money waiting on the sidelines.

That means this crypto bull market has a lot more room to run before it comes close to being a bubble.

And I’ve found five exciting new coins that could be the biggest winners.

Each of these coins combines crypto and the hottest technology in the world: artificial intelligence.

And as more people push into tech and cryptos, these coins could see exponentially higher gains than Bitcoin.

Click here if you’d like to learn more about these five cryptos… and the best way to play this rising bull market.


Charlie Shrem
Senior Crypto Advisor, InvestorPlace

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