It used new technology - surgical robotics - to drive sales sky high.
It used new technology - surgical robotics - to drive sales sky high.
Editor's Note: When we see offers from other publishers that might interest you, we pass them along. Below you'll find one from our friends at The Oxford Club. Please note that their opinions may differ from what you read in Behind the Markets.
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Few people know its name, but Intuitive Surgical was one of the five best stocks of the last 20 years.
It went up as much as 18,000% in two decades.
Because it used new technology - surgical robotics - to drive sales sky high.
Now... another company is following its path.
The company is tiny today - just $500 million - but it is in position to grow dramatically.
In short, it is the inventor of the world's first AI-designed drug to enter clinical trials.
And big pharma is lining up to use its patent-protected technology. - Merck is collaborating with them on three projects that could generate up to $674 million in revenue.
- French pharma giant Sanofi agreed to pay the company up to $5.2 billion to develop 15 new drugs.
- Bristol Meyers Squibb signed a $1.2 billion partnership with the company.
You can see... each one of these projects is worth more than the entire market cap of this new AI stock!In short, the upside is MASSIVE.Which is why I wanted to send you this video.It comes from one of the great stock pickers of all-time - a man who actually recommended Intuitive Surgical in real time back in 2004.In fact, he called 4 of the top 6 performing stocks from 2000 to 2020.And he says this new company is the #1 AI Stock Under $10.Watch his free video breaking down the situation here.Sincerely,Rachel GearhartAssociate Publisher, The Oxford Club This ad is sent on behalf of The Oxford Club. 105 W Monument St, Baltimore, Maryland 21201. | Our mailing address is: Behind the Markets, LLC 4260 NW 1st Avenue, Suite 55 Boca Raton, FL 33431 Copyright © 2023 Behind the Markets, LLC, All rights reserved. You're receiving this email as part of your subscription to Behind the Markets. For more information about our privacy practices, please review our Privacy Policy or our Legal Notices. Unsubscribeinvisiblelink invisiblelink | |
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