The point is stock and option prices are driven by analysts' ability to predict future earnings.
Most of the time, they get it right. But, sometimes, they don't.
The moment of truth comes right at the end of the last hour of the open market. The following day is easy pickings for savvy investors who have already spotted the stealth stocks the analysts missed.
Even in a "normal" market, knowing which companies are about to beat (or miss) analysts' estimates is an invitation to a veritable breakfast profit banquet. Now add to that the fact that some of those stealth stocks took an undeserved hit from the recent market earnings announcements. We're talking about the kind of opportunity that you might see only two or three times a year.
Over the years, I've enjoyed consistent gains during earnings seasons by taking advantage of stock movements most analysts missed. I have been racking up gains day after day. I am excited to say that from January 1, 2020, to today, my win rate on all of my trading activities has moved above 85%, and a good number of those trades, I believe, came from market movers reacting to earnings announcements.
I did it with the help of my proprietary, early detection system that helped me pick which stealth stocks are ready for a move.
And I'm telling you, the current earnings season is the sweet spot for savvy investors armed with proprietary early detection information to bag risk-based gains!
I've done it over and over in the past but the incredible earnings season market is expected to make this one the creme de la creme.
I use my own proprietary system to know which stocks and options to buy and when to sell, and I'd like to show you how I've done it in the past and what you can do right now to duplicate my process.
I'll be happy to show you the system and share its current best recommendations if you'll join me at 1:00 p.m. ET the evening of Thursday, January 18th, for my FREE, no-obligation webinar "How to Rack Up To 36% Gains Overnight From Inflation/Recession Resistant Earnings Season Trades".
If you register now for the Webinar on the 18th, you'll be good to go... This easy-to-follow webinar will show you step-by-step how to use my proven system so you, too can supercharge your trading.
Together, we'll use my system to identify the 2 top trades for the following week. And just so you know, I will be investing $10,000 of my own money on each. I'll have some skin in this game.
Each day, my sophisticated algorithm ranks trades according to the potential for return.
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