Top altcoins have consistently seen gains of 100%+ over the past few weeks...

But we strongly believe they're just getting started!

That means that if you make the right trades right now, you could potentially see gains before Christmas.

To help you do this, our top trader Brendan Viehman is going live today at 11:00am Pacific / 2:00pm Eastern.

He's going live for a special "over-the-shoulder" trading session.

On this session, he'll analyze some of the hottest altcoin opportunities we've recently discovered.

He's also going to breakdown Bitcoin and Ethereum and show you where the market could go next...

And give you some step-by-step trades you could make in the market today.

It's 100% free because we want everyone in our community to profit in the upcoming days and weeks... including you.

However, as of right now you haven't registered, meaning you can't watch.

Change that in 5 seconds by going here now:

Register for this week's live "Over-The-Shoulder" Crypto Trading Session with top expert Brendan Viehman (free registration ends soon).

Brendan is on fire this year with a ton of amazing recommendations so far.

Don't miss out on his latest round, potentially right before the market makes another big move.

Bryce Paul
Crypto 101


By the way...

If you're not interested in this week's free trading session with Brendan Viehman, use the link below and I will stop sending you information about it.


You'll still remain on our list to keep receiving other complimentary crypto information and resources. 

Yes, stop sending me updates about the upcoming trading session this week (However, keep me on your list)...