Thursday, November 3, 2022

Harnessing the Navy SEAL Mindset

What if I told you that 99% of leaders have it wrong when it comes to motivation? 

Because believe it or not, you DON’T need motivation to:
  • Take control, and be a strong, assertive leader who commands respect when he steps into any room.
  • Make serious, long-lasting positive changes to your body, relationships and mindset.
  • Boost your confidence and self-belief, to not only DREAM big but…EXECUTE  big as well.
  • Create a life that you are truly proud of, where you wake up every morning and think to yourself, “I cannot believe I get to do THIS today”.

The harsh reality is, motivation comes and goes. It isn’t always present.

Motivation is for the short-term, attention-seeking, shiny-object-grabbing, wannabes.

If that’s you, then stop reading.

This will only benefit those who want to build empires at home and work. 

I don’t care what the Instagram gurus say, to build an empire and a life you're proud of takes MASTERY.

People don’t talk about mastery very much, because it’s hard.

(that’s why 99.9% of the population would rather steer clear)

On social media, it’s easy to paint a wonderful picture of the future, and say throwaway quotes about “leverage your skills” and “take action”.

But reality is somewhat different.

“Get skills and take action”.... Yep, sounds great. But for anyone who is juggling business, family, clients, suppliers, kids and everything life is throwing at us right now…it’s not exactly a top priority.

After all, how can you find time to level up if you’re not even getting enough sleep?

But when, deep down, you know you’re NOT living up to your true potential…it can damage your confidence.

You feel your shoulders slump, and your head drops.

You shy away from opportunities.

You second-guess yourself.

You hear yourself talking in that whining, complaining voice

You look for reasons to say “No” rather than “Hell Yeah!”.

You live within the limits you have created.

But since you’re an intelligent, talented, ambitious person, that tiny voice inside says: “You are entitled to MORE in life”.

So you mistakenly start seeking ‘Motivation’...

…but motivation is not what you need.

The truth is something very different.

And for the very first time, I’d like to share it with you.

I’m running a FREE masterclass on November 9th, 2022 at 11 AM PST.

New Training: Harness The Navy SEAL Mindset

I’m going to reveal the secret behind stepping out of your own shadow, leading with certainly, and creating the life and career you truly deserve

(PLUS, you’ll learn why the personal development industry tried to mislead you with the ‘motivation myth’ for so long)

Click here to grab your seat.

There is an easy way to develop true leadership mastery in a short space of time.

It’s how the special forces learn the techniques and mindset hacks they need to execute complex missions in extremely precise time windows...

…and I’m going to share it with the world in this new training.

If you’re bored of falling for the myths and tricks that don’t work, and want to experience the easiest way to get a  life you can be proud of,  you won’t want to miss this.


P.S. This training includes live Q&A so any questions you have can be answered.


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