Thursday, July 22, 2021

POLITICO New York Playbook: Impeachment pol rebukes Cuomo — Adams’ top aide doubled her salary — MTA eyes service cuts

Erin Durkin and Anna Gronewold's must-read briefing informing the daily conversation among knowledgeable New Yorkers
Jul 22, 2021 View in browser
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By Erin Durkin, Anna Gronewold and Téa Kvetenadze

Twitter is not real life, but words exchanged on the social media platform could still have "severe repercussions" for one embattled executive, the head of the Assembly's impeachment probe warned yesterday.

In a letter to Gov. Andrew Cuomo , Judiciary chair Charles Lavine rebuked Cuomo for comments made by his comms director Rich Azzopardi. A prolific tweeter, Azzopardi alleged that Attorney General Tish James is playing political games with her investigation into allegations of sexual harassment and ethical violations against Cuomo. Lavine reminded Cuomo that he had sent a notice at the start of his committee's concurrent investigation warning the governor and anyone associated with him against intimidation or retaliation against potential witnesses.

"It is therefore difficult for me to comprehend your communications director tweeting that Attorney General James, whose office is conducting a parallel investigation, 'says she may run against the governor,'" Lavine wrote. "It is obvious that attempts to demean the Attorney General serve as well to undermine the investigation and send profoundly negative signals to witnesses."

The messaging Lavine's referring to — which has been on a slow build from Cuomo's office for the past couple of months — has been not subtle. When the head of the state's transit union said he would pull his support for the governor, this is how Azzopardi responded: "We also understand he is a political supporter of Tish James and she says she may run against the governor, and he wants more benefits in his contract." Last week, after reports that Cuomo was scheduled to be questioned by the attorney general's team, Azzopardi told The New York Times that "the continued leaks are more evidence of the transparent political motivation of the attorney general's review."

James' name is regularly floated as a gubernatorial candidate by her friends and admirers, but she has not publicly stated any intent to run against Cuomo next year. (To our knowledge, nor have the two outside attorneys James hired to ensure an apolitical, independent investigation.)

The administration's initial response to Lavine's letter was a statement from counsel Beth Garvey, and it did not promise any new codes of online etiquette: "There is a clear difference between actionable retaliation and protected speech and it is clear that the Chairman doesn't understand the difference."

The extra element to this skirmish is that Cuomo often says he really doesn't like Twitter that much.

IT'S THURSDAY. Got tips, suggestions or thoughts? Let us know ... By email: and, or on Twitter: @erinmdurkin and @annagronewold

WHERE'S ANDREW? In Albany with no public events scheduled.

WHERE'S BILL? Holding a media availability.


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"Adams' Top Aide Doubled Her Salary While Moonlighting on His Campaign," by The City's Greg B. Smith: "Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams' top aide doubled her salary during the mayoral primary race by working both for his campaign and at her taxpayer-funded job, an examination by THE CITY found. Ingrid Lewis-Martin earns $172,900 annually as Adams' deputy borough president — about $6,000 less than her boss. Starting April 15, Adams' mayoral campaign started paying her $6,500 on a biweekly basis for a total of $40,000 through June 30, records show. During the time she was depositing the campaign checks — about $75 less a week than her usual city salary — she was also working for the Borough President's Office, THE CITY learned. That allowed her to nearly double her salary during that period. Even as she worked on Adams' successful campaign, she proved a crucial contact for lobbyists seeking support from her boss in his role as borough president."

— "Meet Eric Adams's Inner Circle," by The New York Times' Emma G. Fitzsimmons and Katie Glueck

— " NYC Speaker Corey Johnson's office dismisses bid for new vote on ranked choice voting," by New York Daily News' Tim Balk: "It's a no for Co-Jo. The office of City Council Speaker Corey Johnson (D-Manhattan) on Wednesday responded dismissively to a bill from a Queens councilman intended to create another referendum on New York City's ranked-choice voting system. 'Nearly three-quarters of voters approved the new system,' Jennifer Fermino, a spokesperson for the Council, said in a statement. 'The mission now should be to help provide more education on this important change to our elections.' ... City Councilman I. Daneek Miller (D-Queens) introduced legislation in May to put the method back on the ballot this fall after it was overwhelmingly approved by voters in 2019."

"2021 is de Blasio's deadliest year for car crashes so far despite 'Vision Zero' vow," by New York Post's David Meyer: "More people died in New York City car crashes in the first six months of 2021 than the first-half of any other year since Mayor Bill de Blasio took office, according to a new report — despite Hizzoner's vow to cut traffic deaths to zero. A record-setting 124 people had died in traffic through June 30, 2021, according to bicycle and pedestrian advocates at Transportation Alternatives. Pedestrian and motor vehicle occupants suffered the most, the group said — with 64 walkers and 52 motorists killed so far. Fatal crashes also took the lives of eight cyclists. 'More people are dying on Mayor de Blasio's streets because he failed to quickly and aggressively scale the safety solutions of Vision Zero … instead choosing to deliver piecemeal projects and unfulfilled promises,' said the group's director Danny Harris."

"MTA mulls big service cuts for 2023 despite $14.5B bailout from feds," by New York Daily News' Clayton Guse: "MTA honchos on Wednesday warned major cuts to transit service in New York are coming down the pike — despite $14.5 billion in federal pandemic relief approved for the agency over the last 16 months. Metropolitan Transportation Authority chief financial officer Bob Foran said during a board meeting the agency will face a $650 million deficit come 2025 without service cuts, fare hikes and a wage freeze. Foran pointed to projections from the consulting firm McKinsey and Co. that estimate the MTA's ridership would only recover to 80 to 92% of pre-pandemic levels in 2024."

MTA board members press for updates on congestion pricing, by POLITICO's Danielle Muoio

Mask compliance on subways is falling.

"Only 43% of NYPD Officers and Support Staff Have Received the COVID-19 Vaccine," by NBC New York: "'Since vaccines became available we have encouraged our employees, especially those who have contact with the public, to get vaccinated,' the NYPD said in its statement, adding that the department has made vaccinations available at multiple times and locations to ensure that as many of its employees as possible get the vaccination."

— A requirement for public hospital workers to get vaccinated or get a weekly Covid-19 test could be expanded to other city workers.

Anti-poverty groups lay out agenda for next mayor, by POLITICO's Erin Durkin: Anti-poverty groups are pushing the next mayor to adopt a slew of new measures to aid poor New Yorkers as the city comes back from the Covid-19 pandemic. In a new report, Robin Hood, The Century Foundation, and Next100 lay out an anti-poverty policy agenda for Mayor Bill de Blasio's successor — most likely Eric Adams, who won the Democratic primary and is facing off in the general election against Republican Curtis Sliwa. The groups propose a wage subsidy that would pay small businesses to hire back 30,000 workers by covering their pay for their first few months on the job. They're also calling for more child care seats, higher pay for gig workers and nonprofit employees and a new tutoring corps in schools.


"$65 million settlement filed in Hoosick Falls PFOA water contamination," by Times Union's Brendan J. Lyons: "Three of the companies blamed for the pollution of public and private water supplies in and around the village of Hoosick Falls have agreed to pay $65.25 million to settle a federal lawsuit that will secure cash payments and long-term medical monitoring for thousands of property owners and residents, including those who were found to have elevated levels of a toxic manufacturing substance in their bloodstream.

"The preliminary settlement, which must be approved by a federal judge, was reached in a proposed class-action lawsuit filed in 2016 in U.S. District Court in Albany. The complaint accused Saint-Gobain Performance Plastics and Honeywell International — and later 3M and DuPont Co. — of each having roles in the decades-long pollution of the community's water supplies, which are contaminated with perfluorinated chemicals that were used at various factories in the village … For many current and former residents, the settlement is intended to compensate them for the potential health consequences of their exposure to the chemicals, as well as the potential loss of property value, and to provide a system of early detection for any related health issues they may suffer in the years ahead."

"Gov. Andrew Cuomo Is Losing Major Political Donors Amid Federal, State Probes," by Wall Street Journal's Jimmy Vielkind: "For over a decade, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo has been a fundraising juggernaut, taking in more than $130 million from developers, unions, finance executives and others to build a sheen of invincibility around his governorship. But Mr. Cuomo is starting to lose some of his major donors, suffering defections in recent weeks that could complicate an expected re-election bid as he fights off a state sexual harassment probe and a federal investigation into how his administration handled Covid-19 in nursing homes. The desertions are a worrying sign for a governor who has sought to project strength through one of the rockiest stretches of his 11 years as governor."

— "Team Cuomo gets $230K from donors tied to nonprofit with $62M in state contracts," by New York Post's Carl Campanile, Bernadette Hogan, and Bruce Golding

"NRA says bankruptcy shows why NY attorney general cannot shut it down," by Reuters' Jonathan Stempel: "The National Rifle Association, which unsuccessfully filed for bankruptcy to escape New York's bid to shut it down, said the dismissal of that case nonetheless established that the state's attorney general cannot dissolve it for alleged corruption. New York State Attorney General, Letitia James, speaks during a news conference, to announce a suit to dissolve the National Rifle Association, In a Tuesday court filing, the gun rights group also renewed its demand for an injunction against both a shutdown and the removal of longtime Chief Executive Wayne LaPierre by Letitia James, the state's Democratic attorney general."

"Mayor Lovely Warren pleads not guilty to firearms, child endangerment charges," by Democrat and Chronicle's Gary Craig and Will Cleveland: "Rochester Mayor Lovely Warren Wednesday denied that she illegally possessed firearms or took any actions that endangered the well-being of her young daughter. Warren, also facing allegations of campaign finance fraud, pleaded not guilty in court to weapons possession and child endangerment charges. Having lost the Democratic primary to City Councilman Malik Evans, Warren appears to be in her final months as mayor. Yet, while trying to navigate a surge in gun violence, as well as the usual day-to-day responsibilities of a mayor, she also is now confronting multiple criminal allegations. Her attorney, Joseph Damelio, said Wednesday that Warren has the fiber to head the city administration while responding to the criminal charges. She insists she is innocent of the campaign charges and the recent firearm and child endangerment charges."

#UpstateAmerica: Purity is for sale. The 85-year-old ice cream shop in Ithaca needs a new owner.

#UpstateAnimals: This baby bear had a feed bucket stuck on its head for MORE THAN A WEEK. �


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Scranton on the Hudson

Biden diverges with Canada and extends border restrictions until at least Aug. 21, by POLITICO's Andy Blatchford: The Biden administration renewed its restrictions at the U.S.-Canada land border Wednesday for at least another month in a move that signals a new divergence between the neighbors in public-health policy at the frontier. The move comes a couple of days after the Trudeau government took first steps to reopen the frontier to fully vaccinated, nonessential American travelers. The U.S. decision was quickly met Wednesday by frustration from at least one U.S. lawmaker who represents a border district. The White House should expect more pushback from other politicians, the business community and families separated from loved ones on the other side of the boundary.


"Allen Weisselberg resigned from the top of the Trump Organization. So who's running the company now?" by Washington Post's David A. Farenthold, Josh Dawsey, and Jonathan O'Connell: "Earlier this month, Allen Weisselberg — the Trump Organization's most powerful employee not named 'Trump' — resigned his post in the company's leadership. Weisselberg had been one of two trustees at the trust that owns and controls former president Trump's company. But Weisselberg gave up that post, and dozens of others at Trump subsidiaries, after he was charged with running a tax-fraud scheme inside the company. Weisselberg still works at the company, according to one person familiar with the Trump Organization. But his resignation from those formal posts means that the company's already small executive ranks have shrunk even further, at a time when the company faces a raft of financial and legal problems."


"Former Olympic hopeful turned advocate will run against Stefanik," by Times Union's Edward McKinley: "A former Olympic hopeful who became an advocate against child sexual abuse is joining the race against U.S. Rep. Elise Stefanik, a Schuylerville Republican, for New York's 21st Congressional seat. Bridie Farrell, a Democrat from Saratoga Springs, posted a campaign video on her Twitter feed Wednesday morning making the announcement. Farrell competed nationally in speed skating with hopes of making the Olympics. She retired in 2006, but re-emerged in 2013 to compete in the Sochi Olympic trials."


— Political consultants brought in more than $40 million from mayoral candidates during the primary race.

— Some New York City parents are pushing for a remote learning option in the fall, which city schools are not planning to offer.

— Marathon Strategies whipped up a guide to the non-incumbent Democratic candidates for New York City Council.

— A tourist was robbed of her engagement and wedding rings in Hell's Kitchen.

— Ambulance services are facing a shortage in New York due to a backlog in the certification process.

— Baker's Chicken Coop — the oldest food stand at the New York State Fair — is gone for good.

— A summer camp in Columbia County is grappling with 23 campers testing positive for Covid-19.


HAPPY BIRTHDAY: Don Van Natta Jr. … The Daily Beast's Sam Brodey … CNN's Terence BurlijDavid ShusterMaor Cohen ... Albert Brooks Annie Lowrey … AP's Peter PrengamanWarren BassAlex PappasRainesford StaufferArshi Siddiqui of Akin Gump … Natacha Hildebrand

MEDIAWATCH — "Bloomberg Cancels Goofy Professor Scott Galloway's Show Before It Ever Airs: Weeks after sharing a bizarro promo bragging about one-night stands, the bombastic NYU prof's show is no more," by The Daily Beast's Lachlan Cartwright and Maxwell Tani

— "At The Buffalo News, a clash between an 87-year-old union and a new corporate owner," by Poynter's Angela Fu

MAKING MOVES — Patrick Burgwinkle is now account director at Sunshine Sachs. He most recently was comms director for End Citizens United and is also a DCCC and Hillary 2016 alum.


"De Blasio's Soho rezoning plan doesn't address the 'real issues,' pols say," by New York Post's Sam Raskin: "The de Blasio administration's push to build thousands of apartments in Soho is facing pushback from local lawmakers who say the city planning department has displayed a 'troubling' lack of regard for input from neighborhood nonprofit groups. City Councilwomen Margaret Chin and Carlina Rivera said Tuesday that the Department of City Planning 'has not addressed real issues raised by sincere housing and community advocates' in its rezoning proposal for the neighborhood, which critics say lacks enough truly affordable housing."

" De Blasio faces progressive ire over push to boot homeless from NYC hotels amid COVID spike: 'It's obscene,'" by New York Daily News' Chris Sommerfeldt : "Mayor de Blasio drew blistering criticism Wednesday from Democratic City Comptroller candidate Brad Lander and other progressives furious with his attempt to move thousands of homeless New Yorkers out of hotels and into congregate-style shelters despite growing concern over the city's spike in coronavirus infections. Speaking outside of one of those hotels, the Indigo in downtown Brooklyn, Lander and several Democratic City Council candidates railed against de Blasio's argument that it's better for homeless New Yorkers to go back into shelters because they can access COVID-19 vaccines and social services there."


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