Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Dueling proposals set up battle over post-insurrection pricetag

Presented by AARP: A play-by-play preview of the day's congressional news
Jul 13, 2021 View in browser

By Katherine Tully-McManus

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With Olivia Beavers, Nicholas Wu, Marianne Levines, Burgess Everett, Caitlin Emma, Sarah Ferris and Heather Caygle.

FUNDING FACEOFF: A Senate fight is brewing over what, exactly, should be included in an emergency spending bill focused on Capitol security in the wake of the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol.

Two vastly different proposals introduced in recent days are giving Democrats and Republicans yet another problem on which they're trying to close a huge partisan gap.

Senate Appropriations Chair Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) unveiled a sprawling $3.7 billion proposal last night aimed at funding the bills racked up from the Jan. 6 insurrection. Caitlin Emma and Nick have the details here.

Top GOP appropriator Sen. Richard Shelby (Ala.) described Leahy's proposal as "absolutely the wrong direction," citing the high price tag. Republicans last week proposed a $362.9 million bill to cover Capitol Police shortfalls.

"We need to fund the police and we need to fund the guard and then move on," Shelby said. "We could do it probably this week."

Even if the Senate is able to bridge the multi-billion-dollar divide and lock in a security funding agreement, there's not a certain path forward in the House. Progressives in that chamber want more accountability for the notoriously opaque Capitol Police and language addressing root causes of the insurrection. And packed floor schedules in both chambers could squeeze out the security bill.

"I'm tired of hearing people say we are in favor of law and order and law enforcement, we just don't want to pay for it," said Leahy, citing the costs of the investigations, arrests and prosecution of more than 500 rioters so far.

Related: The Justice Department has reviewed reports of alleged misconduct by police officers who responded to the Jan. 6 assault on the Capitol, reports Kyle.

GOP SUPPORT SOFTENING: Turns out, Republican support for an aisle-crossing infrastructure deal with President Joe Biden is soft, report Burgess and Marianne.


SUBSCRIBE TO WOMEN RULE : The Women Rule newsletter explores how women, in Washington and beyond, shape the world, and how the news — from the pandemic to the latest laws coming out of statehouses — impacts women. With expert policy analysis, incisive interviews and revelatory recommendations on what to read and whom to watch, this is a must-read for executives, professionals and rising leaders to understand how what happens today affects the future for women and girls. Subscribe to the Women Rule newsletter today.


Sens. Jerry Moran (R-Kan.) and Mike Rounds (R-S.D.), who both endorsed the Senate's bipartisan infrastructure framework, said negotiations are still happening and that their support could waver if things shift as the text comes together.

"The details will matter. I think a lot of our members are going to look at: How credible are the pay-fors, how large is this?" Senate Minority Whip John Thune (R-S.D.) said. "For our members, it's really going to come down to whether it's all put on the debt."

Senators had hoped to finish up the legislative text this first week back after the July Fourth holiday, but it looks like drafting will drag into next week.

More on the wobbly status of GOP support for the infrastructure deal here , from Burgess and Marianne.

Related: Biden's bipartisan infrastructure deal could face key Senate GOP defections, via CNN

ATF UP IN THE AIR: A handful of moderate Senate Democrats, most from red states, remain undecided on Biden's nomination of David Chipman to lead the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, report Marianne and Nick.

And Senate limbo isn't where the White House wants their ATF nominee as President Joe Biden tries to go on the offensive against rising gun crime.

Chipman's nomination deadlocked in the Senate Judiciary Committee at the end of June but can still advance to the Senate floor if the chamber votes to discharge him. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) has yet to schedule that floor vote.

Republicans have mobilized against Chipman, who is currently a senior policy adviser to Giffords, a gun control advocacy group.

Sen. Jon Tester (D-Mont.) says he is "still analyzing," but noted he's not "feeling the urgency because I don't know when he's scheduled to" get a vote.

"Chuck's gotta make that decision," said Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin (D-Ill.), who is planning to sit down with a handful of fellow Democrats soon to discuss Chipman. "We're talking to [moderate Democrats] and the response is good, but we aren't assuming anything. We'll keep working."

A message from AARP:

Millions of family caregivers are struggling to provide care for their older parents and spouses. Many are sacrificing their income, tapping into life savings, and taking on debt to keep their loved ones safe—at home and out of nursing homes that could put their lives at risk. Family caregivers are reaching their breaking point. Congress must pass the Credit for Caring Act now to give caregivers some of the relief they desperately need. Learn more.


GOOD MORNING! Welcome to Huddle, the play-by-play guide to all things Capitol Hill, on this Tuesday, July 13. We're all sweating bullets but trying to play it cool.

Hello, Huddlers! In case you didn't notice, you have a new host. I'm excited to grace your inbox each morning with the must-know info, plus some items you didn't even know you wanted to know. I've joined Politico's hard-hitting Congress team, and I'm bringing my passion for the weird and wonderful elements of Capitol Hill to this newsletter.

Call Me, Beep Me (if you wanna reach me): I'll be lurking in Capitol hallways, so please introduce yourself if you see me or shoot me an email anytime. To the esteemed comms folks of Capitol Hill: add me to your lists! Not just your big blast list, those exclusive little secret lists too, please. And to staffers, from the assistants to the chiefs and everyone in between: I care about what your boss is up to, but also what is percolating among your colleagues. Clue me in! I'm also on Twitter, of course.

MONDAY'S MOST CLICKED: The Lugar Center's new report card on congressional oversight hearing index was the big winner.

NO RESOLUTION YET Senate Budget Democrats plan to meet again tonight after emerging from a late Monday meeting with Schumer and White House officials, having failed to clinch an agreement on an overall total for the massive spending package that they plan to pass along party lines.

Democrats must decide how many trillions of dollars they want to spend through that legislation while ensuring lockstep support from the party, which will be necessary in navigating the budget reconciliation process. "People talked over the recess and everybody wants very much to get things done for the American people," Sen. Debbie Stabenow (D-Mich.) said after the meeting. "It's like, every negotiation isn't done until it's all done. People have various passions and interests, but we know what's at stake for the country."

WHAT'S ON THE RECONCILIATION MENU? Key Democrats are hustling to finalize a multi-trillion-dollar partisan spending plan to accompany the teetering bipartisan infrastructure deal and they're trying to fill their shopping cart with as many Democratic priorities as possible, report Jennifer Scholtes, Alice Miranda Ollstein and Ryan McCrimmon.

A public blueprint is expected as early as this week, which is expected to include a slate of Democratic wishlist items that don't have a chance in the bipartisan bill. They've only got one more shot at reconciliation this year and they're trying to make the most of it.

All corners of the Democratic caucus are pushing to get their own priorities into the reconciliation bill, from school lunches to green farming, nuclear power to a Medicaid "gap" fix. Dig into what's on the menu here .

ALL ABOARD THE MINI-BUS — House Democrats are planning to bring a giant spending package to the floor in two weeks, the chamber's first move toward staving off government funding drama before a Sept. 30 deadline, two sources tell Sarah & Heather. The package, aka the minibus, will include seven out of the 12 appropriations bills, encompassing a huge swath of federal spending from health programs to agriculture to the Treasury.

But it will leave out the five most contentious bills, which include thorny issues such as U.S.-Israel policy, immigration and detention beds, and policing. (For the wonks, the bills not included are: Defense, Homeland Security, State-Foreign Operations, Legislative Branch and Commerce-Justice-Science.)

NOT MODERATE MONEY: Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick (R-Ohio) hauled in a personal-best in campaign cash this quarter, according to PoliticsPA. The moderate Republican who's made a name for himself by reaching across the aisle raising more than $1.1 million from the beginning of April to the end of June. His Q2 haul is a significant increase from his previous quarter. Fitzpatrick's campaign raised $360,000 from the beginning of January to the end of March.

CHENEY WATCH - Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.), who was ousted as House Republican Conference Chair in May, hauled in close to $1.9 million in the last quarter, amid her beef with the GOP caucus.

The nearly $3.5 million Wyoming's three-term at large member of the House has raised so far this year surpasses the $3 million Cheney brought in during the entire 2020 cycle for her successful reelection.

Cheney topped the $1.5 million brought in by Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-N.Y.), the new GOP conference chair.


HAPPENING TODAY: THE ROAD TO TOKYO 2020 – A CONVERSATION WITH FIRST VICE PRESIDENT OF THE IOC ANITA DEFRANTZ: The Tokyo Olympics kick off July 23, 15 months after being postponed. One problem … Japan's capital city is in a Covid state of emergency and has prohibited fans from attending. With financial pressure to push forward and potential punishment for any athletes involved in protests or demonstrations during the sporting event, these Olympics Games will be unlike any other. Join Global Translations author Ryan Heath for a POLITICO Live conversation with Anita DeFrantz, First Vice President, International Olympic Committee, on what's at stake in the Tokyo Olympics, as a global health crisis, sports and politics all come to a head. REGISTER HERE.


ENERGY ANNOUNCEMENT -- Alaska Republican Sen. Lisa Murkowski is teaming up with Energy Secretary Jennifer M. Granholm today to announce $12 million in funding for more than a dozen American Indian and Alaska Native communities across the nation for projects that will cut energy costs and increase energy security on Tribal lands.

Hunger Pangs? After months and months of sad desk lunches or eating with your Zoom camera off, the buffett at Cups opened on Monday to offer some relief.

AMENDMENT WATCH: GOP Rep. Chris Smith (R-N.J.) is looking to pave the way so U.S. citizens can sue China over its lack of transparency over the Covid outbreak.

The New Jersey Republican is looking to introduce an amendment to House Foreign Affairs Committee chairman Gregory Meeks's (D-N.Y.) bill that aims to strengthen U.S. diplomacy, leadership, and investments abroad while countering and responding to policy challenges posed by Beijing, the Ensuring Global Leadership and Engagement (EAGLE) Act (and kudos to the staffer who came up with that acronym).

Smith's amendment would waive the Foreign Immunities Act and allow U.S. citizens to sue Beijing for monetary damages, personal injury, death and more. The vote on the amendment, which is slated to happen during a House Foreign Affairs Committee markup session today, will be the first ever recorded vote on the topic. And it comes as Republicans are looking to turn the blame on China.

MONUMENTAL UPDATE -- The Washington monument is set to reopen on Wednesday, July 14 after an extended closure due to COVID-19. Advance tickets are required and will be available daily at 10 a.m. The landmark is requiring masks regardless of vaccination status.


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Rachel Levitan is taking the reins as communication director for Sen. Tom Carper (D-Del.) and the Environment and Public Works Committee. Levitan previously worked as the deputy director of communications and a senior advisor for the House Committee on Foreign Affairs and as a legislative assistant for former Rep. Susan Davis (D-Calif.).

Tim Bergreen, the former Staff Director for the House Intelligence Committee, has joined global law firm Hogan Lovells as a partner. He'll sit in their Global Regulatory group as a member of the Government Relations and Public Affairs practice, advising clients across regions and sectors including defense, technology, telecoms.


The House is out, but committee action is on.

The Senate convenes at noon.


2 p.m. Postal Woes: Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Financial Services and General Government holds a hearing on USPS service issues and the budget request for the Postal Service IG's office.


MONDAY'S WINNER: John Stout was the first person to correctly answer that three men who were ultimately elected as president were previously nominated or offered positions on the court. The first was John Quincy Adams, who was nominated by James Madison in 1811 and confirmed to the court but declined the nomination; James Buchanan was offered the positions of Secretary of State or the court by James Polk, but he ultimately chose the Secretary of State post in 1845; and William Howard Taft was offered on at least two occasions a position on the court by Theodore Roosevelt and he declined both of them.

TODAY'S QUESTION: From John: Who was the first first lady with a college degree?

The first person to correctly guess gets a mention in the next edition of Huddle. Send your answers to ktullymcmanus@politico.com.

GET HUDDLE emailed to your phone each morning.

Follow Katherine on Twitter @ktullymcmanus.

A message from AARP:

Family Caregivers Need Help Now

Caring for loved ones shouldn't lead to bankruptcy and financial ruin. But that is exactly what is happening for too many family caregivers. The financial strain of caregiving is immense, and it is unacceptable that more isn't being done to provide support for them. That's why AARP is fighting for America's 48 million family caregivers and their loved ones who depend on their care to survive. Family caregivers nationwide spend over one-quarter of their income, on average, providing this essential care. Congress must pass the Credit for Caring Act to help alleviate some of the financial strain of caregiving.

Tell Congress to act now to help protect family caregivers from financial devastation. Tell Congress to pass the Credit for Caring Act.


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