Friday, August 30, 2024

Quantum BioPharma (NASDAQ: QNTM) Trends Above 5-Day Moving Average After Approx 39% Early Move

Make Sure Quantum BioPharma (NASDAQ: QNTM) is On Your Watchlist

 This Morning!

Quantum BioPharma (NASDAQ: QNTM) Comes Backed by Several

 Potential Catalysts Including:

Razor-Thin Float: With Fewer Than 1.3 Mln Shares Available, The Company Could Experience Significant Fluctuations If Demand Shifts!

Under-The-Radar: With a Market Cap Under $6M, Quantum BioPharma (NASDAQ: QNTM) Might Have Flown Under Wall Street's Radar—Until Now. 

Revolutionary al-co-hol Detoxification: Unbuzzd™ Accelerates Al-co-hol Metabolism and Enhances Mental Alertness, Addressing a Significant Need in The Wellness Sector!

Endorsement By Kevin Harrington: The Product Has Received Notable Support From Kevin Harrington, An Original "Shark" From Shark Tank, Praising its Potential To Transform al-co-hol Consumption Management!

Proven Effectiveness: Unbuzzd™ Has Demonstrated its Ability To Significantly Reduce Blood al-co-hol Levels In Real-World Scenarios!

Breakthrough In Multiple Sclerosis Treatment: Lucid-MS, Quantum BioPharma’s Lead Compound, Is Designed To Address Multiple Sclerosis, With The Global MS Therapeutics Market Projected To Grow From $21B in 2024 to Around $38B By 2032!

Innovative Therapeutics Development: The Company's Portfolio Includes Lucid-MS, Which Shows Potential In Preventing and Reversing Myelin Degradation, a Key Factor In Multiple Sclerosis And Other

 Neurodegenerative Conditions!

Pull Up Quantum BioPharma (NASDAQ: QNTM) and Start Your Research!

August 30, 2024

Dear Reader,

Quantum BioPharma (NASDAQ: QNTM) is trending above its 5-Day Moving Average of $4.73 after moving approximately 39% earlier reaching $6.87 before the opening bell even range.

Could this be the beginning of something bigger?

In a major industry move, Quantum BioPharma (NASDAQ: QNTM) has unveiled unbuzzd™, an innovative a-lco-hol recovery product now available on Amazon.

Developed by the seasoned team at Celly Nutrition, led by CEO John Duffy and co-chair Gerry David, unbuzzd™ is designed to rapidly alleviate the effects of alcohol consumption. 

This breakthrough product features a proprietary blend of ingredients that accelerate alcohol metabolism, restore mental clarity, and support quick recovery, marking a significant advancement in the wellness market.

See press release here

But don’t wait on this—Quantum BioPharma (NASDAQ: QNTM) recently underwent a reverse split, resulting in a razor-thin float of less than 1.3 Mln shares available to the public

Quantum BioPharma (NASDAQ: QNTM) recently trended above its 5-Day Moving Average of $4.52, moving approximately 42% in just six sessions. Between 8/21 and 8/28, it went from $3.65 to $5.20.

This situation could set the stage for potential volatility and significant movement if demand shifts. 

With a market cap under $6M, Quantum BioPharma (NASDAQ: QNTM) might have flown under Wall Street's radar—until now. 

Quantum BioPharma (NASDAQ: QNTM) stands at the forefront of biopharmaceutical innovation, focusing on the development of cutting-edge treatments for neurodegenerative and metabolic disorders, as well as al-co-hol misuse. 

The company's commitment to addressing these complex medical challenges is underscored by its diverse portfolio of candidates at various stages of development.

Quantum BioPharma (NASDAQ: QNTM) is dedicated to building a robust portfolio of innovative assets in the biopharmaceutical sector. 

Through its wholly owned subsidiary, Lucid Ps-ych-eceu-ticals Inc. the company is making significant strides in the research and development of its lead compound, Lucid-MS. 

This compound represents a key component of Quantum BioPharma (NASDAQ: QNTM)’s strategy to tackle some of the most challenging disorders affecting millions of people worldwide.

Focus on Multiple Sclerosis

One of Quantum BioPharma's most promising initiatives is its work on Lucid-MS, a patented new chemical entity designed to combat multiple sclerosis (MS). Multiple sclerosis is a chronic, often disabling disease of the central nervous system, affecting nearly 1 Mln people in the United States and an estimated 2.8 Mln people globally as of 2024, according to the National Multiple Sclerosis Society.

The global market for multiple sclerosis therapeutics is projected to grow significantly, from approximately $21B in 2024 to around $38B by 2032. This growth reflects the increasing demand for effective treatments for this debilitating condition, which is characterized by symptoms such as extreme fatigue, loss of balance and coordination, visual disturbances, slurred speech, and tremors.

Lucid-MS is designed to address the underlying cause of MS by preventing and reversing myelin degradation. 

Myelin is a protective sheath that covers nerve fibers, and its degradation is a key mechanism in the development of multiple sclerosis. 

Preclinical models have shown that Lucid-MS is a neuroprotective compound with the potential to halt or reverse myelin damage, offering hope for improved outcomes for those affected by MS and other neurodegenerative conditions.

Innovative al-co-hol Misuse Solutions

In addition to its focus on neurodegenerative diseases, Quantum BioPharma has made notable advances in the field of al-co-hol misuse through its invention of unbuzzd™, a product designed to enhance mental alertness and support detoxification when al-co-hol is consumed. 

This innovation represents the convergence of science and al-co-hol metabolism, addressing a significant public health issue.

The year 2023 marked the launch of unbuzzd™ in its OTC form, which has been spun out to a new company, Celly Nutrition Corp. ("Celly Nutrition"). 

Led by industry veterans, Celly Nutrition is positioned to bring unbuzzd™ to market, with Quantum BioPharma retaining a 25.71% ownership stake in the company as of March 31, 2024. For more information, visit Celly Nutrition's website.

Unbuzzd™: A Game-Changer in al-co-hol Detoxification

Quantum BioPharma (NASDAQ: QNTM)’s innovative product, unbuzzd™, represents a significant advancement in the management of al-co-hol consumption and detoxification. 

This groundbreaking solution is designed to enhance mental alertness and accelerate al-co-hol metabolism, addressing a critical need in the health and wellness sector.

Endorsed by Kevin Harrington, an original "Shark" from the hit TV show Shark Tank and a seasoned veteran in the health and wellness industry, unbuzzd™ has garnered high praise for its potential impact. 

Harrington, who has a keen eye for cutting-edge biotechnologies, has expressed his excitement about this breakthrough product. He believes unbuzzd™ could revolutionize how society deals with al-co-hol consumption, potentially saving millions of lives from al-co-hol-related issues.

In a testimonial, Harrington shared his firsthand experience with unbuzzd™: “I’ve seen with my own eyes someone who was intoxicated take a drink of this new beverage. Within a short time, their demeanor changed, and their blood al-co-hol level dropped significantly. This product has the potential to be a game-changer in al-co-hol detoxification.”

Discover more about unbuzzd™ and see Kevin Harrington’s full endorsement here.

Quantum BioPharma (NASDAQ: QNTM)’s ongoing research and development efforts are poised to make a significant impact in the treatment of multiple sclerosis, neurodegenerative diseases, and al-co-hol misuse. 

With a strong focus on innovation and a commitment to advancing medical science, Quantum BioPharma (NASDAQ: QNTM) is well-positioned to address some of the most pressing health challenges of our time.

As the company continues to advance its candidates and expand its portfolio, stakeholders and investors should keep a close watch on Quantum BioPharma’s progress. 

The potential for groundbreaking treatments and solutions in the fields of neurodegenerative and metabolic disorders, as well as al-co-hol misuse, underscores the company’s role in the biopharmaceutical industry.

7 reasons to have Quantum BioPharma (NASDAQ: QNTM) on today's watchlist…

1. Razor-Thin Float: With fewer than 1.3 Mln shares available to the public, the company could experience significant fluctuations if demand shifts. 

2. Under-the-Radar: With a market cap currently under $6M, Quantum BioPharma (NASDAQ: QNTM) has yet to capture widespread attention, presenting a unique situation for early discovery.

3. Revolutionary al-co-hol Detoxification: Unbuzzd™ is designed to accelerate al-co-hol metabolism and enhance mental alertness. It addresses a critical need in the wellness sector, potentially impacting a market where al-co-hol misuse is a significant concern.

4. Endorsement by Kevin Harrington: The product has received notable support from Kevin Harrington, an original "Shark" from Shark Tank. Harrington has praised unbuzzd™ for its potential to transform al-co-hol consumption management and improve user experiences.

5. Proven Effectiveness: Unbuzzd™ has shown the ability to significantly reduce blood al-co-hol levels in real-world scenarios, validating its efficacy and potential in the market.

6. Breakthrough in Multiple Sclerosis Treatment: Lucid-MS, Quantum BioPharma (NASDAQ: QNTM)’s lead compound, is a patented new chemical entity designed to address multiple sclerosis. The global MS therapeutics market is projected to grow from approximately $21B in 2024 to around $38B by 2032, highlighting the substantial demand for effective treatments.

7. Innovative Therapeutics Development: Quantum BioPharma’s diverse portfolio includes Lucid-MS, which has demonstrated potential in preventing and reversing myelin degradation, a key factor in multiple sclerosis and other neurodegenerative conditions.

Keep a close eye on Quantum BioPharma (NASDAQ: QNTM) and its cutting-edge solutions as they continue to advance.

As Quantum BioPharma (NASDAQ: QNTM) continues to make significant strides, there are several compelling reasons to begin your research on the company. With fewer than 1.3 Mln shares available to the public, the stock could experience notable fluctuations based on shifting demand. Additionally, with a market cap currently under $6 million, Quantum BioPharma remains under the radar, offering a unique opportunity for early discovery.

The company's innovative product, unbuzzd™, is poised to revolutionize al-co-hol detoxification by accelerating metabolism and enhancing mental alertness, addressing a pressing need in the wellness sector. This groundbreaking product has garnered notable support from Kevin Harrington, an original "Shark" from Shark Tank, who has praised its potential to transform al-co-hol consumption management.

Unbuzzd™ has already demonstrated its effectiveness in significantly reducing blood al-co-hol levels in real-world scenarios, further validating its market potential. Meanwhile, Quantum BioPharma's lead compound, Lucid-MS, targets multiple sclerosis—a market projected to grow from approximately $21B in 2024 to around $38B by 2032. 

Lucid-MS has shown promise in preventing and reversing myelin degradation, a key factor in multiple sclerosis and other neurodegenerative conditions.

Considering these factors, now is the time to start your research on Quantum BioPharma (NASDAQ: QNTM).

Pull up (QNTM) now and make sure it’s #1 on today’s watchlist.

I’ll check back with you shortly.


Jeff Ackerman

Managing Editor

Stock News Trends

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Quantum BioPharma Ltd. (Nasdaq: QNTM) previously changed their company name and ticker symbol from FSD Pharma Inc. (Nasdaq: HUGE).

Pursuant to an agreement between TD Media LLC and Awareness Consulting Network, TD Media LLC has been hired for a period beginning on 04/21/2024 and ending on 04/22/2024 to publicly disseminate information about (HUGE:US) via digital communications. We have been paid thirty thousand dollars USD. We own zero shares of (HUGE:US).

Pursuant to an agreement between TD Media LLC and Awareness Consulting Network, TD Media LLC has been hired for a period beginning on 08/08/2024 and ending on 08/09/2024 to publicly disseminate information about (HUGE:US) via digital communications. We have been paid an additional fifty-five thousand dollars USD. To date we have been paid eighty-five thousand USD and we own zero shares of (HUGE:US).

Pursuant to an agreement between TD Media LLC and Awareness Consulting Network, TD Media LLC has been hired for a period beginning on 08/29/2024 and ending on 08/30/2024 to publicly disseminate information about (QNTM:US) via digital communications. We have been paid an additional seventy thousand dollars USD. To date we have been paid one hundred fifty-five thousand USD and we own zero shares of (QNTM:US). Please see important disclosure information here:

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